SBS Gayo Daejun 2009 feat Korean Idol Group[update with performance list]


ini dia acara akhir tahun yang paling ditunggu-tunggu. SBS Gayo Daejun teaser, telah dikeluarkan pada acara Inkigayo hari ini. SBS Gayo Daejun akan dilaksanakan pada 29 Desember 2009 dengan tema ‘The Wonder World’
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ada 2 teaser, dari grup cowok yang terdiri dari Super Junior, SHINee, 2pm, MBLAQ, dan 2am.


dan grup cewek terdiri dari SNSD, f(x), After School, BEG, Kara, Davichi, & 4minute. [update under the cut]

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Grup cowok:
# SHINee – AMIGO & Ring Ding Dong & JoJo (Remix) + performance
# 2PM – nigamipda & Again & Again + Heartbeat (Remix) + Acrobatic Performance
# Super Junior – Sorry Sorry & It’s You (Remix) + performance
# Beast – Bad girl & Mystery (Remix) + performance
# MBLAQ – Oh yeah & GOOD Luv (Remix) + performance
# 2AM – this song & Friend’s Confession (Remix)

# Son Dambi – Crazy & Saturday night (Remix) + After School Joint Performance
# SOS – We Will you marry me + anymore
# JYP- Honey + her + No love No more + Beautiful performance
# Younha – Password 486 + 1,2,3
# Kim Tae Woo – sarangnun (feat. slime)
# G-Dragon – Heartbreaker + Korean Dream (ft. Taeyang) + Hello (ft. Dara)
# Taeyang – Wedding dress & Where u at (Remix) + performance
# Baek Ji Young – shot like (dance ver.) + My ear’s candy (ft. 2PM’s taecyeon) (Remix)

Grup Cewek:
# T-ara – Lies & Bo Peep Bo Peep
# After School – Diva (Remix) + Because of You
# Kara – Honey + Wanna + Mr. (Remix) + performance
# SNSD- Gee + Tell Me Your Wish (Remix) + performance
# 2NE1 – Fire + I don’t care (Remix) + Let’s go party
# Brown Eyed Girls – abracadabra + Sign (Remix) + performance
# Davichi – 8282 + I really messed up
# 4MINUTE – Hot issue + Muzik (Remix) + performance
# F(x) – La cha Ta + Chu ~ ♡
# Jewelry – Variety + Love story

Special Stage:
# D’Sound Stage (with Jonghyun of SHINee, Kyuhyun of Super Junior, Kim Tae Woo, Baek Ji Young)
# Craft the Stage (with SNSD, Davichi, Seo)
# Bakhyeonbin & Song Dae Kwan Jang Yoon-jeong & Trot joint stage
# Brown Eyed Girls & Kara & 4minute & Girls’ Generation Special Change Stage
# Kara’s Nicole & 4Minute’s HyunAh & SNSD’s Hyoyeon & 2NE1’s Gong Minji Dance Stage
# Super Junior & 2PM & SNSD singer stage + 2NE1 & Tiara 8090 Legend Stage
# Wonder Girls Connection fly overseas personal videos
# Baek Ji Young & Lee Seung Gi & Kim Tae Woo & Son Dam Bi joint stage


0 thoughts on “SBS Gayo Daejun 2009 feat Korean Idol Group[update with performance list]

  1. akhirnya gw jadi yang kedua juga
    waloupun sbnernya peengennya first sihhh

    tp gpp lah 2nd dlu bru first

    pdahal td kyaknya tulisannya masih leave a comment tpi pas
    diketik gw twnya daah da yang firsttt

    tpi gpp dh

  2. akhirnya! gayo daejun 2009 XD
    tp kyknya yg sekarang kurang seru ya yg dateng.
    ga ada wg, bigbang, sama tvxq T.T
    tp tetep mau nonton, haha ada 2PM sama ,mblaq! >0<
    lol, joon kocak abis expresinya, pengen liat mir hihi


  3. Kenapa semuanya Sukarno melupakan YG ! YG itu company Korea yg isinya talented semua tau! Kalo Big Bang dia gak ada debut Korea tahun ini ya gak papa lah.. Tapi 2ne1? WTF abis dah! Sampe kapanpun YG is the best! Gak andalin tampang!

  4. oh wow kayaknya ini acarnya bakaln seru ditambah ada Special Stage sama 2PM Acrobatic Performance….omo ga bisa bayangin gimana dance mereka tar

  5. wow .. can’t wait !
    list perform na bikin ngiler .
    gw wajib bisa nonton .
    aaa… apalagi yg special perform …
    D’sound ! pasti keren ..

  6. waa , koq yg teaser.a gag ada beast yahh T.T
    tp ni acra psti bkalan qeren bgd !
    bertabur bintang” -bhasa gua-
    dr list.a aja uda mnggoda bwt ddnld
    dbsk dtg gag yaa ?
    yaudaa aku support 2pm n 2ne1 aja deh
    hwaiting ya kalian ! yg laen jg pasti.a =]

  7. Udh di update lagi ya ..
    Tpi kok special stage cuma jong oppa dr shinee? Hwaa .. Ontae?minkey? Mana ???
    Yah, gak papa dh , jong oppa pasti suaranya mantap ! Apalagi brg sunbaenya ..
    Mau nontoon !!!

  8. itu di teaser nya bukan nya ada B2ST yah ?
    dibelakang nya onew yang rambut nya putih (pirang) kan yoseob ><
    sayang ga ada F.T Island T___T

  9. hahahaha joon ngocol dah ama yoseob
    apalagi yg sok sok heartbeat…

    2am itu jin woon ya?knp ga jo kwon ato changmin?
    wahahaha ngocoooool~
    tp ttep aja kgk bs nonton. TT-TT

  10. apa sih jun ngocol deeeeehh
    mo sok”an nyolok yoseob wahahaha
    yoseob juga jadi chansung tp terlalu pendek wahahahaha

  11. wooow…jd gak sabaran….
    tp klo taun kemaren kan ad hit song parade,moga2 aj taun ini jg bakalan ad…ato plg enggak dance battle lg versi grup cewek ama cowok…

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