Penggemar Merayakan Ulang Tahun Ke-5 SNSD di Surat Kabar


Setelah membuat debut mereka pada tahun 2007, Girls ‘Generation (SNSD) akan merayakan ulang tahun kelima, tetapi sebelumnya penggemar telah mengirimkan ucapan selamat kepada mereka.
Untuk memperingati ulang tahun kelima SNSD pada 5 Agustus, penggemar SNSD merayakan melalui  pesan di surat kabar.
Salah satu pesan mengatakan, “Terima kasih! Terima kasih telah menjadi bintang kita! Kami sangat senang menjadi penggemar SNSD. ”
Termasuk juga foto member, serta ulang tahun Tiffany, yang juga akan merayakan ulang tahunnya pada 1 Agustus. Pesan dorongan bagi para atlet Korea untuk Olimpiade juga disertakan.
Salah satu penggemar ‘Ahjusshi’ yang membuat iklan mengatakan, “Karena member SNSD terus berusaha untuk melakukan yang terbaik sejak hari peserta pelatihan mereka sampai sekarang, mereka mampu menjadi yang terbaik, dan penggemar sangat bangga dengan itu. Aku akan terus mendukung SNSD. “
Source : enewsworld
indotrans :


0 thoughts on “Penggemar Merayakan Ulang Tahun Ke-5 SNSD di Surat Kabar

  1. Yap..
    Teruslah berkarya di dunia entertainment dengan kepribadian yang dan SNSD..
    Semua fans akan menjaga kalian dari jauh dan memberikan kalian kepercayaan penuh untuk berkarya pada musik..
    Jd tetaplah berjuang untuk menjadi wakil korea dengan menyebarkan cinta melalui musik kalian..

  2. Happy birthday soshi semoga karir terus bersinar & smoga world tour nnti kalian harus mampir konser ke indonesia kalo gak sone id bakal jewer kalian yah soalnya kita udah nunggu lama bgt *kidding
    we always love you soshi

  3. wow congratz ma girls …..bangga sama kerja keras mereka , soshi bond mereka gak ada yg kalahin coyy bknx apa jujur snsd menurutku girband yg paling solid terbukti 5 tahun berkarir gak ada yg nambah member ataupun keluar ^^ klo boyband mungkin kyk big bang ^^
    pdhl awal2 debut dulu selalu disumpahin bubar bla..bla..bla..
    tpi terbukti snsd bs bertahan skalipun ada butthurt yg selalu ganggu

  4. akhirnnya udh 5 thn soshi berkarier, semoga kalian ttp utuh untuk tahun ke depan nya, sone akan terus support soshi 🙂

  5. benernya udah post di SSF, tp gpp deh buat ngramein post buat SNSD yg anniversary yg ke 5 !!
    “Thanks udah berbagi info ini buat kita..
    Aku bangga jadi salah satu fans SNSD, aku harap kalian SONE akan selalu menjadi fans yang setia untuk SNSD dan menjaga mereka dari kejauhan dengan memberikan kepercayaan penuh pada mereka untuk terus berkaya dalam dunia entertainment..
    Mari kita saling menjaga satu sama lain dari jauh..
    Dan harapan untuk YoonA, aku harap kamu bisa selalu bersinar di SNSD meskipun kamu mengalami banyak hambatan yang datang padamu, tapi ketika tiba saat di mana kamu terjatuh, kamu harus yakin di hari itu juga kamu akan bangkit dengan membawa sinar yang lebih terang dari sebelumnya untuk SNSD, jadi kamu harus bisa bertahan dengan kuat dengan semua member..”

    1. kayaknya dr postingan2 chingu d ki. chingu ini seorang yoonaddict ya 🙂
      RT banget chingu. moga mereka tetap bertahan sampai akhir 🙂
      soshi jjaaaaaaaaaaaang

      1. yup, terdaftar di SSF sbg yoonaddict..
        tp baru bbrapa hari..
        soalnya dl cb daftar gagal trs, ya udah nyerah trs bbrapa hr ini coba lg baru berhasil..

          1. bisa dong..
            namanya situs web, aplg SSF, yg login/daftar bnyk bgt..
            jd kesimpulannya : aku gagal jd sone karena mereka !!

    2. aku akan selalu menjadi SONE dan akan slalu mendukung dan setia kepada nine angels 😉
      aku akan membuktikannya 🙂

      1. kamu akan membuktikannya??
        okelah kalo begitu..
        aku nitip kado ultah buat Tiffany ya..
        tolong terbang lgsg ke korea dan blgin ke Tiffany, tolong sedikit tunjukkan senyumnya jika di airport, jd Boom ga bisa blg kl dia member SNSD dgn style ky kriminal.. 🙂

  6. Aww..teruslah berkarya soshi. Sone akan selalu mendukungmu, apapun yang terjadi kepada kalian.
    teruslah menjadi angel kami yang bersinar. Proud SNSD and proud to be SONE <3
    SNSD adalah GB yang memiliki hati yang baik dan dapat bertahan walaupun selalu saja ada antis yang menyerang mereka. Semoga SNSD bisa seperti sunbae mereka (Shinhwa) yang masih bertahan di dunia entertainment korea. Amin O:)

  7. SoNyeoShiDae/SoShi/Girls Generation <3 SONE ,, udah 5 tahun snsd bertahan tanpa tambah/keluar member They are nine angels!!!! proud to be a sone,Saranghaeyo SNSD :* <3

  8. SNSD memang girl group yang kompak, dan terus melahirkn karya2 yang apik, itu dah terbukti selama 5 tahun ini, dan kami (SONE) bangga akan hal itu.. teruslah berusaha menjadi yang terbaik.
    jagalah kepercayaan kami (SONE),, dan kami akan terus mendukung kalian dengan cinta !!
    we proud of you !

  9. i will to be SONE for 5 years , 50 years and 500 years 😀
    fandom gw selamanya bakal gw pertahanin cuma SONE #aminn
    cinta gw cuma bwt SNSD selamanya #aminn
    gapeduli apa yg mreka pikirkan ttg SNSD , SONE bakal memback-up SNSD 😀
    #hugmy9angel 🙂

  10. Gak kerasa udah 5 tahun aku dukung 9 Goddess ini, semoga makin solid, gak bongkar pasang anggota, apalagi keluar ataupun dikeluarkan. SONE pasti mendoakan yang terbaik, apapun yang terjadi. Ada kala kalian terjatuh, tapi kini, sinar kalian menyilaukan *fakta
    Buat SONE sekalian, dengan usia idola kita yang sudah setengah dasawarsa sebentar lagi. Jangan ada yang nyusahin mereka ya, jangan ada SONE Indonesia yang jadi sasaeng, dan mungkin lebih tepatnya jangan ada sasaeng didunia ini, siapapun artisnya
    Baik itu member BB/GB, kenapa sasaeng? Kenapa bukan antis? Karena, apapun yang ada didunia ini harus seimbang, kebayang nggak, apa jadinya SNSD kalo semua orang didunia suka sama mereka? Bisa” gak bakalan ada artis lain selain mereka
    Ini juga alasan yang masuk akal, mengingat banyak diantara kita yang kepancing fanwar gara” antis, kalo nggak ada antis juga bakalan ada sebuah ruang kosong di SNSD
    Intinya, dalam 5 tahun ini, pengalaman 9 noona dalam SNSD pasti beragam. Dari pengalaman, semoga kalian selalu melihat kebelakang, jangan lupa SONE yang selalu mendukung kalian

  11. Jigeumen sonyeoshidae
    yowonhi sonyeoshidae
    apurodu sonyeoshidae
    sonyeoshidae saranghae
    right now 9irl 9eneration
    from now 9irl 9eneration
    forever 9irl 9eneration
    9irl 9eneration WE LOVE YOU
    thankyou SNSD
    thank you
    thankyou dah members warnanya dlm hidupku
    slalu cinta SNSD dulu sekarang Dan masa mendatang
    saenggil chukae sonyeoshidae
    i love you forever \(T_T)/

  12. happy birthday ya unni soshi………..
    smg karir kalian lbh baik lg, lbh kompk, n tmbh bnyk yg jd fans kalian….hehe.amin.
    aku akn selalu brsh dukuung kalian selm yg aku bs.

  13. saengil chukahaminda Seo Nyeo Shi Dae..
    Apapun yang terjadi kami sone akan selalu mendukung kalian.
    Bukti kan bahwa kalian bisa bertahan dari 5 tahun ke 5 tahun lagi dan tak terhingga.. Saranghae SOSHI

  14. aq sbg ELF Mengucapkan
    Saengil Chukahaminda SNSD….
    Moga tmbh cntik…
    tmbh dewasa….
    smpe awet kalo bsa ampe 10 thun lg lah brsama2…..
    pkoknya tmbah kompakkk ya….
    Saranghae Soshi….
    Tetap jd Diri klian sndiri ya
    Soshi Jjang
    S-One Fighting

  15. GB dgn teamwork paling jjang, Uda 5 tahun yawn, my 9 angels T.T.T.T.T SNSD unnideul, saranghaeyo! SONEs yorobun saranghaeyo! :3

  16. Girls’ Generation Leaves Messages for Fans at ‘Debut 5th Anniversary Party’
    [TRANSLATION Yoona: It’s been such a long time!! Couldn’t we… See each other more often..?ㅋㅋ Everything from today… Let’s keep it to ourselves~
    Yuri: Waaaa~oh! Anniversary! OhOhOh555Oh~! Ohl~ Fifth anniversary oh oh oh!! (‘oh’ is one way to say 5 in Korean)
    Taeyeon: Thank you for always giving us strength whenever we meet^^ Look forward to the next fanmeet, too. We’ve gotten closer, right? hehehe
    Sooyoung: I give infinite thanks and love to you who has been with us for the past 5 years. Until 5 years becomes 50. And until 500 years, will you love us?! Yes!!
    Tiffany: It’s 5 years now.. there were lots of.. tears.. and we’ve gone through so many happy things.. I’m really happy and thankful.. from now on.. “I want to dream with you (with SONE) forever” I love you. Really.
    Hyoyeon: I’ve waited for today~!! Should we [something] today~~?! Hehe Let’s go and make good memories! Always! Thank you ^.^!!
    Jessica: SONE, hi~ ^ㅡ^ Fun, and enjoyably. Bbyong~
    Seohyun: Tell me your wish~ I’ll listen~ Tell me your~ wish There is a never ending line of people outside who wish~ (intending as ‘SONE’) for me~ A date with SONE that I’ve waited and waited for!! Today!! Let’s enjoy [it]
    Sunny: Already 5 years?! Kkyak!! From now on, 5 years, [and] 500 years

  17. “terima kasih!terima ksih telah menjadi bintang kami!” – i like this this word
    terima kasih bisa telah mengenal kalian,kami sone menganggap kalian seperti saudara
    Sone Daebbak!!
    SNSD JJang!!

  18. Uwahh dh 5 thn yah gk terasa skrg Soshi dh pd dewasa semua.:)
    Selamat yah atas 5 thn moga tetap bertahan dgn 9 member tetap kompak, adil dlm kerja, saling dukung karir member lain, saling sayang, care sesama member.amien. . . .:)
    Nah skrg ne yg saya sakit hati tuh fans individunya SNSD yg suka ngehina antar member dgn ngejelek2in member, biar gk semua tp lumayan bnyak lah.
    Adehhh sakit hati bias q dihina2 oleh fansnya SNSD sendiri.;(
    Klo fans permember kayak gt bisa image SNSD yg terkenal dgn kekompakan, bisa jelek bisa diblng fans LABIL.
    Apa maw SNSD bubar ganti member sprt yg lain maw. . .???*no*
    ap mw SNSD dpt gosip yg sering ngehina antar member. .??*no*
    makanya SONE it satu untuk SNSD bukan untuk Tae,Sica,Fany,Yul,Suny,Hyo,Soo,Yoo en Seobb aj tp untuk Group Girls Generation okehh.:)
    Bwt Soshi tatap semangat. . .
    Bwt Sone dukung mrk semua. . .:D

    1. bias aku tu sering bgt digituin chingu. masa’ ada d satu fp d facebook. cuma foto yoona yg gak dipajang. mereka cuma support 8 member tanpa yoona TT
      padahal taeyeon udh pernah bilang, klo kalian menyukai salah satu diantara kami tapi kalian benci pada salah satu dr kami maka kalian sama dengan antis

      1. jgn2 maksud chingu fp an*i ya…
        soalx mereka tuh hnya suka 8 member, kecuali yoona >.<

      2. gpp, ga prlu dipikirin..
        anggap aja itu fp perkumpulan org’ berpikiran sempit yg cm bisa melihat ssorg hanya dr luarnya aja tanpa mrka berat ma beban mental dr tgs ma tnggung jwb jd center..
        bisanya berkoar koar di mulut..
        meskipun ada antis sebanyak apapun, ksh syg sesama member bisa menutupi rasa sakit dr yg di terima yoona akibat bashing (para antis)..
        contohnya hyoyeon yg slalu bisa menaikkan mood yoona jk udah murung..

    2. Nggak apa- apa perbedaan bikin seru, nggak bisa maksa orang pikirannya harus sama terus. Yang penting “Sing Waras Ngalah”.
      Making besar, makin banyak otak, makin banyak pendapat, makin banyak juga yang berselisih. S1 FOR S9 Keep in mind. Itu satu bukti Sones are huge.
      Soshi aja pertama kali ada selisihnya, sampe sekarang juga kadang selisih. Cause they’re human being. Biarin mereka belajar sendiri apa itu SNSD sebenernya, kita tugasnya bantuin.

  19. Happy birthday GG…. Wahhhh makin kompak yah… Wish me….’snsd makin AXIS [member and group]…. Tambah cantik,sukses…. Ohh iya buat seonni dan hyoyeon cepet akting yah sma kayak yang lain… Buat taeng makasih udah jadi leader yg baik buat eonnideul.

  20. Love U Onnies!
    Thanks for being such an inspiration for my life. Thanks for smiling, joking, laughing, singing, and dancing. Thanks for filling my daily life with happiness, laughs and smiles. Thanks for standing and facing all hatred with your wonderful smile. Thanks for introduce me to your meaningful music. Thanks to teach me how to be a strong and humble girl in my life (I still learn for it). Thanks to keep as nine until now with your lovely bond, with tight hugs, and friendly kisses.
    Thanks to make me always remember about my friends, my family, my life, my Mom, my God, and myself. KEEP DOING YOUR BEST. Keeping and doing more singing, dancing, smiling, humble, wise, strong, energetic, stylish, pretty, inspirable, mature, smart, hard working, and DORKS. We’re supporting you as best as we can.
    Many things may change but I hope it’s not your dreams!
    Forever! As long as it is possible.
    Sones are praying for you! Now, tommorow, and forever.
    Going To Watch These??? (Debute Stage MuBank)
    Credit: Yuldori Oppa for other 2 videos
    And, Happy Early Birthday Nae Hwang Mi Young Onnie ^_^ SARANGHAE!!! *EYES SMILE FTW!!!*
    Ps. Maap kepanjangan

  21. terharu baca berita ini..
    gak kerasa ya udah hampir 5tahun sejak debutnya SNSD..
    GG always DAEBAK!!!
    akan selalu mendukung SNSD..
    mereka semuanya cantik dengan kepribadian tersendiri…
    Sone For Soshi

  22. chukkahamnida soshi .. 🙂 semoga bertambah dewasa dan semakin berjaya.. tak gentar dg antis.. tetap solid antar member.. ELF here support my family..

  23. HAppy birthday my nine girls,,,,,,semoga smkn sukses ttp rendah dan jadi diri klian sndri
    perjalanan kalian msh pnjng jd tetaplah kuat dan trs jaga kekeompakan! sone akan slalau menemani dan mendukung kalian! apapun yang terjadi. we love you,,
    dan utk tiffany my bias, happy birthday ttp lah mmberikan senyum terindahmu uth kita
    ttp lah jaga kshtn! fanytastic always love you….

  24. happy 5anniversary dorkyshidae,,,tetaplah lanjtkan kedorkyan kalian krn sone akan smkn mncintai kalain 😀 😀 dan smg smkn soshibond smkn kuat dan solid, sukses buat kalian dan spt yg di katakan soyoung sm sunny smg tdk hanya 5 thn saja. tp 50 thn bhkn 500 thn pun soshi akan ttp ada? 😀
    my eye smile tiif happy birthday…..apapun yg terjadi ttp lah bagian dari snsd! GBY,,,,

  25. Happy anniversary 5th Girls Generation ^^
    from ELF!
    Berharap SONE dan ELF akan menjadi fandom yg saling mendukung satu sama lain! ^^
    dan Super Junior, SNSD bisa terus berkarya~

    1. makasih buat ELF yang udah mampir buat ngucapin selamat ulang taun buat uri unniedeul!!
      hug @ratna oktariza..
      amin… moga2 tambah akur yaa fandom kita tercinta ^^

  26. waaa onnideul!
    taeng,sica,sunkyu,fany,hyo,soo,yoong,and seo onni…pertahankan terus ya persahabatan dan karir kalian lewat snsd sampe kriput2 pokoknya sampe sone bosen walaupun aku gak akan pernah bosen.congrats buat kalian semua, ditunggu ya sesuatu yang beda n spektakuler dari 4jibnya.HBD sonyeoshidae!

  27. Aigoooo DorkyShiDae uda melepas masa “Balita” 😆
    Happy BirthDay My 9 angel Tp Gue kecewa berat nih T___T
    Mereka bikin party yg dihadiri rubuan fans. Gue juga pengen ikutannnnn !!!

  28. Yeahhh udh 5taon ya.. Dr kmpulan gadis remaja sma sampe skrang menjadi para perempuan luar biasa yang berkelas.. Selalu bisa bikin para sone puas dgn hasil karya yg dberikan..
    HBD y SOSHI.. Cpetan CB dgn 4jib’a..
    Unnie tiff HBD jg y.. Selisih 2hari am aq.. ​”̮ ƗƗɐƗƗɐƗƗɐ “̮ GBY aj wt SOSHI n TIFF UNNIE

  29. #GirlsGeneration5thAnniversary saenggil chukae SNSD… Moga kalian makin sukses, bersinar, tetep sehati seperti pertama kali kalian berkumpul jadi satu dan tetep rendah hati… Segala yang terbaik untuk kalian ber9, menghasilkan karya2 terbaik yg akan dinikmati semua orang.

  30. wah udah 5 taun aja. HBD SNSD smoga tambah sukses dan cantik. tetap jadi gadis2 yg ceria dan baik hati. dan doa yg paling penting, smoga g prnh bngkar pasang member karna SNSD udah sempurna dgn formasi yg sekarang. Amin..

  31. Nggak tahu kenapa, aku nangis baca semua comment di atas ini TT___TT
    SNSD pasti bangga punya fans seperti ini, fans yang tulus berdoa dan mendukung mereka ^^
    Ne, forever SONE forever SOSHI ^^
    9 gadis berwajah malaikat dan memiliki hati yang baik juga, memang ada ya orang yang bisa benci mereka ?
    Taeyeon Unnie, tetaplah menjadi dorky leader yang kami banggakan ^^
    Jessica Unnie, tetaplah menjadi seorang ice princess seperti apa adanya dirimu ^^
    Sunny Unnie, tetaplah menjadi our aegyo princess ^^
    Tiffany Unnie, tetaplah tersenyum karena senyum Unnie adalah yang terindah ^^
    Hyoyeon Unnie, tetaplah menjadi seorang dancing queen yang selalu membuat kami tertawa ^^
    Sooyoung Unnie, tetaplah menjadi seorang gadis ceria dan pemakan segalanya, haha ^^
    Yuri Unnie, Our black pears, yang memiliki badan indah dan tetaplah menjadi seorang gadis manis yang dewasa ^^
    Yoona Unnie, Our Deer tetaplah menjadi seorang gadis periang, cantik, dan tegar ^^
    Our SOSHi, semoga di tahun ke-6 bahkan ke-100 sekalipun tetap menjadi 9 malaikat yang selalu menghadirkan senyum di wajah para SONE ^^
    Jigeumen SNSD !
    Yongwonhi SNSD !
    Apurorodo SNSD !
    Saranghae, So – Nyuh – Shin – Dae !
    Right now, Girl generation !
    From now Girl generation !
    Forever Girl generation !
    Girl Generation WE LOVE YOU !

  32. Uwaaaa…..udah 5 tahuuuuun….meskipun aku baru jadi sone selama 3 tahun sih. kekeke. eonnideul JJANG!!!! aku gak bisa ngomong apa-apa lagi..terlalu speechless………yang jelas SOSHI JJANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. fanmeeting iri!!! Happy birthday NINE KIDS <3
    semoga makin solid Soshibond!
    Tetep jadi diri sendiri yang susah untuk jaga image, selalu down to earth, dan dorky!
    T____T "SNSD: pls don't hate SONE | SONE: pls don't hate SNSD." cr:sompit
    "for Soshi, SONEs are? Fany: Genie, SONEs are our genie" cr: 饱猫007
    "SONE's make us more popular. So please don't hate them. SNSD loves you SONE's " – Kim Taeyeon
    SONE surprise event for SNSD 5th Anniv Party: Pink Paper Planes with message by each SONEs were thrown off!! cr: haljung
    Fany says SONEs are romantic~! because of the Pink Paper Planes event. The girls thank SONEs
    cr: wooritaetae

    1. baca2 fan account yang ke fan meeting bikin terharu juga ngakak. Memang ya tu bocah2 xD
      Oh ya buat yang ga tau kenapa perayaannya di majuin, karena tanggal 5 agustus ada SM Town Tokyo, jadi fan meeting dilaksanain hari ini.

      1. bnr ching,.,,smtown tokyo 2 hari kan klo ga salah, tgl 4 sm 5
        qra2 j-sone bkl ngerayain 5anniversary ga ya?? gw hrp sih iya
        bn2 beruntung sekali mereka nonton konser bertepatan dgn hari jadinya soshi..*mupeng 🙁

      2. mudah2an sih kekeke. Jadi penasaran ya 😀 excited banget deh 🙂
        iya iri banget ya fan meeting ga dateng, sm town ga 🙁

  34. Gue bangga nie ma my idol…bener gee n oh! yang meluluhkan hati gue….(hmmmm)
    SNSD qt tunggu comeback kalian…cepet cepet cepet….

  35. “…If there’s one thing that won’t change, it’s the fact that from the beginning to the end SNSD was “one” with 9 members” – SNSD

  36. Happy 5th Anniversary So Nyeo Shi Dae / Girls’ Generation!!
    really proud with these 9 amazing girls & really regret the fact that I’m late to realize their incredibility, to realize The Power of Nine
    rasanya bener2 nyesel dulu pernah benci mereka karna kemakan omongan antis. mereka bener2 keren. mereka yg udah bikin aku mulai cinta girl group, mereka yang udah bikin aku jadi fans yg lebih dewasa. kekompakan & persahabatan mereka emang no doubt. cause when they’re together, they’re able to balance out and make up for each other’s flaws…
    they’re truly angels. no matter how people discourage them through hate, hars or mean words, it just makes them more and more united. their hard work, patience and courtesy truly amaze me and make me admires them even more
    If there’s one thing we genuinely wish for, it’s for all nine of our Girls’ Generation members to go together until the end. Beacuse they’re worthy enough to make us, SONE, waiting, praying and crying just to see their smile and laugh, to see their happiness….
    thank you for beeing SNSD until now…
    right now it’s SNSD. since the first, now, tomorrow they will always be amazing girls, together as nine, as SNSD, Girls’ Generation… forever and ever… until the end…

  37. menjadi sone adalah kecelakaan terindahku
    menjadi sone seperti tersesat di jalan yg benar
    menjadi sone adalah kutukan termanisku
    gak bisa lepas…
    gak bisa lepas…

  38. my love for soshi never faded away….Right now, Girl generation ! From now Girl generation ! Forever Girl generation ! i will support you no matter what \O/ #Happy5thAnniversary

  39. Selamat Ulang Tahun SNSD …
    Semoga kalian akan selalu menjadi Nine Angels untuk para SONE di Dunia …
    Semoga kalian selalu terus berkarya sampai kapanpun …
    Jadilah Grup yg selalu Solid dan selalu bersama sampai nantinya kalian sudah mendapatkan jodoh kalian …

  40. Copas dr KaskuSone
    Part 1
    Fan-Account (sorted by events) :
    Sunny condition today is bad, she’s feeling unwell,and she couldnt come out on stage until the end (but she was at the venue).
    Taeng: “It was sad that Sunny couldnt be here but fanmeetings with fans are always fun. Next fanmeet, i hope that all our members are healthy. And I think we should have our next fanmeet during winter so its not hot like today”
    Decorating cake time :
    Girls are making their own cake. Hyoyeon’s cake seems like blood cake because of red cream. Sica cake is picked as the worst cake. Tiffany’s pink cake win.
    There was this cake-making seasion which members were to decorate the cakes as nicely as possible. Yuri cheated by starting early and Taeyeon spent so much time shopping for her decorative ingredients and kept on cheating by adding more things on her cake when the time was over. Sooyoung was really skillful in squeezing out the cream and wrote 0805 in blue.
    Hyoyeon circled the cake with many red heels and wrote some unreadable words in red on the cake which was dripping like it was bleeding haha. Seohyun made a light blue striped cake with 9 girls on top very quickly and nicely. Yoona made a cake with big letters saying SNSD <3 SONE with SNSD on top of SONE saying it's bcoz of us could they have been here. Jessica was slow as usual and made a really simple cake haha.
    Yuri was really ambitious and added a lot of things on the cake haha. Tiffany won the contest by creating a really sophisticated cake with pink letters and many decorations.
    Jessica is forced to design a cucumber shape cake
    Jessica was just looking at the candies and stoning while the others are decorating their cake.
    Tae, Soo, Hyo and Yul continued decorating their cake once Shinyoung unnie evaluate other members' cake.
    When they were going to announce the ranking for the cake they did, they took something like ribbon in their hands..Yuri dunno how to do it so she go to find Yoona.
    Taeng did a lot of aegyo hoping SONE to choose her cake.Yoona decorated "SNSD" word and "SONE" word on her cake. And she was like "Sone always support us, So I did it"
    After Shinyoung said start, the others (members) have all already started, Only Jessica alone was standing there being blur.when it was time to get votes,taeyeon was totally acting cute ! Sooyoung.purposely used a sexy style/acting. The result was, Fany won
    Jessica's cake is a joke.LOL. Is like last min flick one bunch on rainbow dots kind like stuff in the middle of the cake
    The cakes made by SNSD were given to randomly picked fans at the end.
    tiffany and sooyoung debate over whose cake is better. Fany was focusing on how her colours and syoo was talking about her 0805
    While doing the cake , Yuri added something like pepper powder substance on her cake , then she *hoot* (blow away ) then she threw the bottle away.The cool/dont care expression she showed was cooled and funny at the same time. her cake looked like snowman
    her tools in the air hahhahah. Taeyeon also threw the squeezer on the table when Shinyoung stopped her
    Fany bday celebration :
    They're also celebrating Tiffany birthday today, Tiffany said "We don't have 3D yet. CF lie. We don't watch via 3D!" LOL
    fany bday celebration, she said "I feel like I'm a main character today's event!" wearing the crown on her head. Taeyeon says, " Yes! Indeed!"
    there was a birthday celebration for Fany after a cake-cutting session for 5th anniversary. Taeyeon and Yuri played with the confetti on Fany's head~
    Q: For Soshi, SONEs are? Fany: Genie, SONEs are our genie.
    Q: what is funniest variety show? Sooyoung: Hello Baby.. Taeng: wonder what is kyungsan doing?
    Fany was answering question while Yoonyul talked to each other with Fany in the middle
    Question chosen by Sooyoung:"You laugh because of the member" Yoona answered quickly :"YulUnnie"
    Sooyoung picked a questionarie and that was like "When do you feel preciousness of members?. A: "These days. I shoot drama without my members these days… Sometime members come to my shooting place with some gift"
    During the last song Complete, we flew pink paper planes as a special event. It was really nice and Sooyoung Yoona were obviously touched. One of them picked up a plane and on it wrote why don't we wear formal suits and dresses for the next fanmeeting and Yuri said it was a good idea they should give it a try~
    Weird/Unseen Selca Revealed
    Funny unseen pics of Soshi members were shown and Sooyoun kept on appearing with the others haha. YulTi's pic was the most hilarious~ Their mouths were distorted bcoz it's taken with photo booth~ Sunny wasn't present but they showed a really handsome pic of her in her short blonde hair. Sooyoung's was also really funny , it's her attacking some spaghetti hungrily with a tee on her head. She explained it saying she was too hungry when she was taking off her tee and just didn't bother to finish taking it off.
    YulTi's photo was awesome!. and Sooyoung are in the most selca, with sica, with yuri, and with hyoyeon.
    In yul's selca, she is reading book with spectacles. Another is she played roller coaster. Yulti's photo is edited become abnormal.
    Yuri's selca : she was playing roller coaster with Sooyoung while pretending to read a book”.
    Taeng selca: in waiting room she was lying on the sofa but her legs put so high on the wall and playing with her phone
    Before showing Yoona's selca, Yuri said that the pic is interesting. After the photo is shown, fans said that it was not shame. Then Taeng said:"It's because she is actress.". Then Yuri said with anxious: "Then who am I?"
    Seo selca: Wearing black top coat outside and white pyjamas inside. (photo snapped by Sooyoung)
    When Yulti photo is shown, Tae catched pieces of coloured paper and sprinkled toward Yul and shouted "The best"
    Sooyoung looked weird in the photo she took with Yuri. and Sooyoung appeared in 4 out of the 9 selcas
    Funny unseen pics description:
    Sooyoung : attacking some spaghetti with a half-taken-off tee on her head~
    Hyoyeon : lying on a sofa, head on Soo's lap, legs up~ .
    Jessica : falling asleep with Soo glaring at her from beside~
    Yoona : with a mini pair of sunglasses (she said there's a much crazier one but couldn't show it haha)~
    Tiffany : distorted mouth using photobooth with Yuri~
    Yuri : reading a book with glasses on with Soo behind her on a ROLLERCOASTER omg haha~
    Taeyeon : lying on a sofa upside down with her legs sticking up~
    Seohyun : with sunglasses and pajamas on plane~
    Sunny : super handsome with blonde shirt hair making a rocker pose~
    fan-acc credits and translation :
    DCTY, QoS, DCSeo, ilovep10, yul_a, SYloveTY, stephfanie_805, kkabekky, haljung, d0ngie, 饱猫007, 萌老八各种饭, daedae的nana, Real_Chichinhu, teamtiffany, pltang, VV没钱了, woonieyoongie, 萌老八各种饭, 百里望舒ArynShu, ye3n, D.B.T, dear9enies_
    and everyone who owned/translated this fan-acc but miss-credit after spreading on twitter.
    Via TheSoneSource

  41. Part 2
    Fan-Account (sorted by events) :
    Gift Session :
    There was a gift-giving session in which audience were picked by drawing lots to hv a chance to receive presents from Soshi members. The present were 9 bottles of GIRL perfume and 4 Baby-G watches. Fangirls were hugged by them and fanboys were given a handshake except Fany who hugged a fanboy really tightly! Jessica was reluctant to give a fangirl a hug bcoz she said she was sweating too much (I think) but still hugged her in the end.
    When Yuri was about to go and hug that male fan or shake hand , that male fan was too nervous that after he receive the present he walked away aldy , causing everyone ( fans and soshi ) who was present to laugh . Yuri who was facing his ( that male’s fan ) ‘s back and doing faces , this guy is gonna regret
    They did gave presents . there was casio baby g and perfume … the lucky few , yoona , jessi , fany , sooyoung did hug them the rest of the members shook hands . The funniest part was that , there was a male after receiving the present he turned are and walked off , made us laugh like mad , so she turned around and hugged another member , i forgot who she hugged
    The girls had to decide which 4 members would give out the 4 watches to fans. They started to discuss and quickly turned into a big fuss with every member almost trying to yell hhahaa and we fans were sitting back and laughing at those noisy girls talking nonstop on stage~ In the end they used rock paper scissors to decide~
    Surprise event+Performance Live :
    Surprise event : Pink Paper Planes with message by each SONEs were thrown off during “complete”. Tiffany said “SONE is so romantic with those pink papers. Our life is pink”
    SONEs threw airplane written with message when they sang COMPLETE and they read them. Then they took group photo facing back
    Performance live : The Boys, PAPARAZZI, Gee, Complete
    Tiffany changes a certain part of the “Complete”. ” The last love of my life, I hope that is Sone.
    final song and then the fanmeet will end. they asked the fans which song they want to hear and fans are bviously yelling “complete”. they’re singing it live and replaced the words “you” with “sone”
    Yoona cried because of the airplane event.
    Yul waving her cloak during opening of The Boys. Yuri was sooo crazy tonight haha. They were to leave the stage to prepare for the next stage and a video of previous fanmeetings was shown. Yuri was walking to backstage when her part was shown and she stopped abruptly and danced her part in the dark before hurrying to backstage
    While showing/playing fan made videos,Yuri who was about to go off stage heard the bgm was oh, so she came back and danced a small part/portion.
    Random :
    Taeyeon said she’s really happy, and Yuri started doing a Crayon Shin-chan dance by her side and then…the two of them ended up dancing together.
    Sooyoung and Yuri ‘s parents are there , and Hyungseok (Hyo dance partner) also there.
    Yuri said “We are goddess” lol
    Yuri is really high today..Taeyeon and Hyoyeon are trying to stop her but still fail
    Taeyeon and Tiffany did bbuing~ bbuing~ today
    Video Message from fellow SM artist and other artist are being shown. – When celebrities’ congratulation comments are broadcasting in event, especially Tiffany(aka Cali girl) is screaming at BoA, Jang DongGeon.
    The seating : Sooyoung , Hyoyeon , Sica , Yoong , Fany , Yuri , Taeng and Seob
    Jessica was really violent with Hyoyeon and she hit her fan on Hyo’s mic making a really loud noise. lol
    Today there was alot of YulTi … The position/order they sat was the same as the poster behind them . At the start i rmb sooyoung and taeyeon was tgt , after that they changed their place because sunny was not around, so in the end , when hyoyeon , jessi and yoona were looking for their seats, they started laughing hardly … not sure where they are suppose to seat. At the end they was a part where Yuri directly rest her head on Fany’s shoulder.
    previous fan-meet video are also being shown.
    The girls also hinted about solo concert and asked sone to come if its happen.
    Fany said:”The most powerful group in universe – SNSD”
    Taeyeon is worry if there are no more SONEs one day.She said in the interview before that they received too much love and she scare this love will be gone and she is still worry until now
    The fans that being called out are given GIRL perfume and hug from their fav member.
    Yoona also open the car window to waved at sone after fanmeeting end. Hyoyeon and Fany are also in the same car. Yoong was going to close the window but people tried to pass gifts to her so she tried to open the windows again then open the whole windows to accept gifts . After that many people stuffed gifts to their cars.
    Today this two really sat tgt , what would happen …. When they were revealing the unglam selca they took , in which Yulti was the most unglam one . under the situation when they are confuse on where to see , yuri rest her shoulder on fany . Fany said she wants to exercise with Yuri . Yuri then suddenly stretched out her pinkie saying : promise ! So in the end they both hook pinkies !
    It was so hot at the fanmeet, Hyoyeon helped to fan sica the whole night with a fan. They saw Yoona fan herself so JeTi walk over. At last, Yoona helped to fan JeTi
    Choi Sooyoung the leaker was like “Look forward to Next album~”
    Sooyoung said in Japan dorm ,b/c she was too hungry so she ate when she just finished washing her hair , hair hair was like wrap to a bun
    How are you feeling today? Say in three letters. Tiff:”RedBull! It’s my favorite, my heart misses a beat! It seems like drinking a RedBull!”
    5 best moments that left an impression with them: the boys event, winning 9 times with gee on mubank, first daesang at golden disk, 1st con, 2nd con. Shinyoung asked sica why she chose second con and she said cuz of the 보고싶었어 event
    At the end of the event, girls took a photo with Sones for their background. (like a Taeyeon’s MuCore self camera)
    Taeyeon said she wished to hold every SONEs in her arms and she really thanked them for coming.“I really love you so much! Really!”
    Yuri said everytime seeing sones that praise for not only the ending but also the process, she feels happy
    Members asked Jessica to show her expression when she’s feeling hot and she showed a breathless blank face haha. Then they asked her to show an astonished face she just twiggled her eyebrows haha she seemed so reluctant to move since she must be feeling too hot poor girl~

  42. trimakasih untuk Seo Nyeo Shi Dae yang telah bertahan sampai sekarang….
    trimakasih untuk Seo Nyeo Shi Dae yang terus memberikan senyumnya untuk kami Sone
    trimakasih untuk Seo Nyeo Shi Dae yang yang telah mengajarkan kepada kami para Sone bahwa untuk mencapai sebuah impian dibutuhkan lebih dari sebuah kerja keras….
    trimakasih untuk Seo Nyeo Shi Dae yang telah mengajarkan kami sebuah arti persahabatan….
    trimakasih untuk Seo Nyeo Shi Dae yang mengajarkan kami untuk tidak pernah menyerah dalam menghadapi rintangan…..
    trimakasih untuk kerja keras kalian selama ini, dan membiarkan kami para Sone menjadi bagian dari hidup kalian…

  43. Terimakasih karena kalian telah ada di dunia ini SNSD…
    Terimakasih karena telah hadir dengan senyum dan tawa yang paling ceria…
    Always pray for you SNSD…
    Happy Birthday


  45. Saengil CHukae Uri SOSHI,, proud to be SONE,,,
    dan yang paling gue inget adalah ketika Black Ocean Dream Concert 2008,,
    keinget mereka pas nyanyi sambil nahan tangis,,
    tapi karena itu pula mereka bisa berhasil sampai sejauh ini,,
    membuktikan pada dunia bahwa mereka full of talent,,
    membuktikan pada SONE bahwa mereka bisa jadi panutan dengan segala kegigihannya,,
    membuktikan pada ANTIS jika mereka tidak pantas untuk di benci (banyak antis yang jadi SONE),,
    dan SONE akan bangga selalu menjadi fans kalian,,
    upss lupa,,, happy bday juga buat my bias,, fany fany tiffany,,
    saranghaeyo fany,, keep smile,, keep healthy,, and be angel forever,,,

  46. ,tdk ad idola yg ak idolakn seperti kalian, mliht kbersmaan klian srasa pux byk teman, SNSD adl energi untk SONE n bg2pn sbalikx, wlwpn ak msh bru mengidolakn klian tp ju2r sju2rx ak bilg betapa ak mencintai appn yg brhubungn dgn kalian. .smga kalian slamax br9,..
    Suatu hr kelak tengoklh SONEINA, betapa kmi merindukan kdtangn kalian. .
    Saengil chukkae hamnida unnie2deul, SONE ALWAYS LOVE U,

    Proud to be SONE :’D

  48. Saengil chukahamnida Uri Oennie…
    Pround to be SONE…
    Semoga ga 5 tahun ini aja, somaga bisa sampe 50tahun!!!! *bayangin muka oennie 50thn lagi*
    Bener2 ngefans sama SNSD, mereka kompak. ga gampang pasti selama 5 tahun ini buat nyatuin 9 kepala jadi 1 pemikiran, ada suka, duka, air mata, tawa…. barusan iseng liat video pertama kali mereka debut “into the new world” masih lugu, polos tapi tetep keliatan multitalent dan abis itu langsung ngebandingin liat video terbaru mereka “Paparazzi” sunggguh mereka sudah tumbuh jadi 9 wanita super!!!!
    SOSHI JEONGMAL DAEBAK!!! PLIS come to indonesia, Sone miss u!!

  49. sebelum.y aku mau ngucapin ”Happy Anniversary So Nyeo Shi Dae yg ke-5” smoga SNSD bza makin sukses, mkin cantik2, panjang umur, zmua.y di bri kesehatan, and makin sayang ma para SONE… trus buat Tiffany Unnie HBD yg ke-23 (24 in korea)…moga2 makin sukses….!!

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