Pesona Suzy Miss A dengan Fan Servicenya


Suzy, member termuda dari grup wanita Miss A menampilkan pesonanya pada fans, pada moment BTS KBS “Dream Team”. Suzy terlihat tersenyum lebar dan menyapa segerombolan fans pria dengan berhigh five.

Suzy ikut serta dalam “Dream Team” yang dilaksanakan di universitas Yonsei, dimana fans Suzy dan miss A datang serta memberi dukungan. Diantara fans Suzy adalah grup pelajar universitas Yonsei dari klub tinju. Shoot dilakukan pada pertengahan November namun foto ini baru saja muncul sebagai topik hangat dikalangan netizen. Keramahan Suzy meningkatkan imagenya sebagai “national sweetheart”.
“Dream Team” dijadwalkan tayang hari ini tanggal 9 Desember.
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9 thoughts on “Pesona Suzy Miss A dengan Fan Servicenya

  1. Keleatan bgt fan service Suzy bener2 baek>>>di tiap fancam selalu tersenyum ramah walaupun lelah.Suzy seperti paham ma perjuangan fans2nya buat leat/ketemu Suzy…
    Suzy gak sok nge-artis n’ bukan seperti artis2 terkenal yg sulit di jangkau fans2 nya.
    Yg terpenting dia sadar,kalo gak ada fans dia gak mungkin seperti sekarang.
    Moga Suzy gak berubah…

  2. kayaknya ada perbedaan besar Fanserv disini, apakah Indo yg salah tanggap atau Korea yg salah? coba cari arti kata fanservice
    Generally any situation or scene in a movie, cartoon, comic, or even real life in which a scene is done specifically to cater to what the fans want to see, divorced from a plot or any other non-catering need. Often mistaken as invented by Japanese anime, the truth of the matter is that Hollywood movies and American TV shows in particular had been using this concept for years, if not decades, before anime ever even existed; however, the coined word itself DID start within anime fandoms to reference scenes of near-nudity that held no part to the overall plot of the episode/movie/etc.
    The first film to involve nudity in the US was 1959, whereas the advent of the modern style and tradition of anime was in the late 60’s, hence fanservice existed prior to anime.

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