TVXQ Changmin and SHINee Minho have a scandal??


Majalah gosip Jepang memberitakan berita aneh yang membawa tawa dikalangan netizen,

pada edisi terbaru, majalah ini memberitakan bahwa Dong Bang Shin Ki Choikang Changmin terlihat sedang menonton konser THIS IS IT, U Know Yunho bersama dengan seorang perempuan misterius di tempat duduk VIP.

walaupun fans terkejut, akan tetapi ini menjadi tawa di netizen korea, bahwa perempuan misterius itu tidak lain adalah SHINee Minho.

fans yang melihat berita ini mengatakan:
– ini skandal pertama Minho dengan Changmin
– hey!! dia itu laki-laki
– sselamat Minho, atas debut nya di Jepang

setelah berita ini keluar di majalah tersebut, pada 11 April, netizen memposting foto Minho bersama Changmin dengan tulisan ‘Debut Minho di hari Jumat’
source: shakizi
oh my god, LMAO


0 thoughts on “TVXQ Changmin and SHINee Minho have a scandal??

    1. permisi sbntar numpang ngasih info
      bagi para The hottest..

      MV the first teaser was released 2pm for their comeback album DON’T STOP CAN’T STOP!!

      klian bsa ngeliatnya di youtube cry gw
      blom bisa dpetin LINKnya!!

    1. tau.
      majalah jepang
      belum berpengalaman masalah k-pop

      ketauan deh


  1. ya ampun!! ngakak baca ni artikel!
    minho kalo diliat2 dari blakang emang kyk kepala cewe.
    tapi liat dulu depannya.. membnuh!! *ditarik key*

    1. mrka dtng br-5 , TRAX JungMo, Changmin , minho , key , taemin …….
      onew kn d brother were brave …… (kalo gitu JJong kmana ya ??)

  2. wkwkwkwkwk
    aneh” aja nih netizen
    klo dari samping kliatan kayak cewe mungkin gara” rambut minho agak panjang gtu…

    chukae buat debutnya oppa !! ^^

    1. Iya nuy…
      masa Minho oppa yang cakep di bilang cewe sichh…
      tapi tidak dipungkiri,
      kalo dari samping bener2 keliatan kaya cewe…

      chukkae buat Minho oppa atas debutnya…

  3. *ngakak*

    Dasar. Udah bikin deg-degan nih judul berita. Eh taunya… Alamak. Ada-ada ajalah. Sudah jelas Minho manly begitu *masih ngakak*

  4. ghakakakakakaka~

    haduh itu reporter jepang belum kenal SHINee kali,, ya??
    lagian dadanya minho kan rata,,
    masak dikira cewek???
    *meskipun dy emang cantik, siy…*

    pinter bener bikin fans2nya changmin kaget… XDD

  5. CHAHAHAHAHAHAH… pengen ktawa!!!!!
    ya ampun kn shinee jg udh sring tampil di jepang x??? trs yg aneh minho kn pakeannya cwok bnged!!!!!
    mo bkin brita heboh..eee mlah heboh bikin ketawa!!!!!

    jadi ga kalah sama hyung2 mu (yunjae dan yoosu) haha.
    tapi gimana donghae, nanti marah minho nya sama changmin *yaoi mode* hahaha

  7. …kekekeke…chukae buat minho ^_^

    huwaaaaaaaaaaaa….dede minnie *_*…kpn dramanya tayang de..(nuna mode on)…kekeke…salam sayang buat leadersshi ya ^^…

  8. andwaeeeee!!!!!!!!!

    ga mungkin lah minho!! gila aja tuh yg gosipin…

    minho emang ngefans ama changmin,, tpi jgn katain minho kyk cwe dong >,<

    minho hrus potong rmbut kykna…

  9. beneran deg2an waktu baca judulnya..
    ternyata oh ternyata..
    hahahahaaaa.. ngakaaaak XD
    ada-ada aja deh..
    tapi selamat yaa buat changmin dan minho oppa, semoga bisa nyaingin YunJae sama YooSu.. hehehehe XD

  10. bingung. mana minho nya? gak keliatan di gambar itu. mana sihhhh???? yg bener dong, jadi bingung. yg rambutnya panjang sebahu pake topi hadap belakang?

  11. LoL…

    kirain skandal apaan!! uda dagdigdug duluan sblm baca postingan nie… eh ternyata… LoL

    Hwaiting Oppa!!

    Changmin oppa Hwaiting!!!
    Minho Oppa hwaiting!!!

    Saranghae… <3

  12. Ahahahaha serius gue ketawa ngakak. Kasiaaaan hahaha xD it makes my day, minho love <3 gue suka kok rambut panjangnya minho 😀 aduuh roflmaoooo xD

  13. bbuuaaHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Kocak banget!!
    ini gara2 minho rambutnya kepanjangan ato wartawan jepang yang gak tau seorang minho?? haduh..

    Minho sndiri sih, rambutny kepanjangan. Minho, mendingan potongin aja, jgn cm potong poni aja. Yg d belakang wajib jg. Pokoknya pas album baru, udh mesti pendek, minimal kyk pas d Juliette deh! Cakepan d sna!

  15. hahaha…………….
    ketauan Minho oppa…..,ternyata memang Manis banget
    ampe dikira cewek gitu!!!!!

  16. Ya ampun, Minho cantik sih, cocok banget nyamar jadi cewek (sedikit mirip ama Han Ga-In tipe ideal-nya Changmin lagi), tapi giliran ngomong… OMO cowok banget, suaranya aja lebih nge-bass dari Changmin! (iyalah Changmin kan tenor) Mereka cuma brotherly-love kok, ga lebih… *semoga
    [Changmin cakep banget kaya lord, OMG fangirling lg deh]

  17. hwahahahaha,,,,wah homoannya si minho meningkat nih udah taemin nickhun changmin,,,,

    kekekeke…no offense ya just kidding…..ROFL…..

  18. hekekekekkekekekekeke….
    kok aneh begini (LMAO)
    minho jantan gitu dikira prempuan.. hahahha

  19. dasar org jepang, ngaco bgt deh haha jelas jelas minho laki laki, badannya aja atletis gitu wkwkwk emng pngn bikin gossip aja itu mah judulnya

  20. hahahaha,, minho d sangkaa cwee d jepaaang gra2 rambutnyaa panjaang..
    sangkin terkenalnya kale ya DBSK d jepaang ampe setiap siapapun yg ngobrol sm mereka d sangkut pautkan ma gossip,, tapii minhoo kn cwoo,,ahahaha

    gw rasa maluu tuh majalah setelah tw yg sebenaarnyaa,,ahhaa
    buat fotografernyaa,, belii kacamataa duluu geeh sanaaa biar ga salaah liaat lagiii,,,hahahaa

  21. hahahahahaha………..

    wah, oppa mang ckep bgd deh, mpe d kira cwek,,,


    SARANGHAE OPPA!!!!!!!!

  22. chchch ..
    Perempuan misteriuss ??’ itu aku kalii *d jitak se blog*

    Adu” minho oppa rmbtny d pendekin kek,, kyk zaman” amigo ..hhi
    Klo pnjg gitu kn kyk perempuan berambut pendek..wkwkwkwk

  23. Omo omo omo *secret mode on*
    min ho yaa…chang min aaa… waduh, suami k 1 ama k2 aq malah slingkuh d blkg aq!!! o_0
    *djewer ama cassie+shawol*
    hehe, piss ah

  24. IIIhhhh ga penting bgt kaliii!!!!
    Nui Phutu bwad Q jantungan…
    Q kira bneran ama cew????
    Pyyyuuhhh, t’nya g…
    Oppaa, ayyyooo duummzzz balikan lg ama JeJhuChun…
    Sedi nuii liad pisah” getoww…

  25. cassies and non-cassies(especially elf,sone,shineeworld,f(X) fans)plz read this…

    message from a HOT fan to Cassies
    “Hi~ I’m a current member of club H.O.T,
    and am a fan of the now broken up group, H.O.T. ^^
    These days the group DBSK have been performing a lot
    and have caught my attention.

    Not only that, I heard that one of the DBSK members was a
    very big male fan of H.O.T., and that’s how I first started to
    learn more about DBSK

    As I watch the way they act and their performance,
    I couldn’t help but to think that they are very similar
    to H.O.T when they first started
    H.O.T is seriously the god’s to our generation,
    so for people that were born around 82, 83, etc.
    No one probably understand what they meant to us…

    After Seotaiji and boys broke up, H.O.T. saved the
    kpop music scene that was completely dying out.
    All the teenagers were pulled into H.O.T.,
    and within a year of their debut they received the top music award.
    Out of all the major awards that H.O.T received, there must be awards
    from at least 10 different music/television companies

    When I see DBSK right now, the past H.O.T. fills my mind.
    I was a freshman in high school when H.O.T. first debuted.
    Now I am 22, and even today, when I go to performances or
    concerts, I am looked as a young girl ^^

    I heard that the majority of DBSK fans are junior high students,
    and although many people say that they are young fans,
    we were exactly like that too.
    Whenever people saw us they called us H.O.T fanatics.

    But then what about now? Even after 8-9 years
    we are still here watching over them.
    We hope that all the DBSK fans follow in our footsteps ^^
    Liking H.O.T. for about 9 years,

    I would like to give a little heads up and warnings about the company SM
    I am someone that had a voice within the H.O.T fan club.
    So I know a little more about the company SM, than most fans or normal people

    At this moment, many H.O.T. fans have ventured out ^^
    There are some that have become stars, others that became famous peoples’ coordis,
    and even some that have been hired into SM
    Through these people we have learned that,
    what we believed to be unfair treatment by SM, in reality, was very much true

    SM claimed that the 2nd H.O.T. was blackbeat, but after their failure
    they tried once again, and that group is DBSK
    Silently leading the group with wit and talent, YoungWoong JaeJoong.
    He is like MoonHeeJun.
    Leader in dance, with the aura of a tough guy, but sometimes very cute, UKnowYunHo.
    He is like JangWooHyuk.
    Lived in the states, and able to speak English, very charismatic and outgoing, MickyYooChun.
    He is like Tony.
    With looks that can be looked as almost famine, and the image where you want to take care of him, ChoiKangChangMin.
    He is like Kangta.
    Looks that can be looked as average, but the type of person that the more you see the more you like, XiahJunSu.
    He is like LeeJaeWon.

    Two group that really have a lot in common, DBSK and H.O.T.
    Maybe that’s why, but we H.O.T. fans are genuinely scared that
    the DBSK fans will have to face the hurt and disappointing ordeals we had to go through.
    Especially because all of you are so young.

    Cassiopeia fans…
    SM is honestly a dangerous place.
    As you like DBSK more I am sure that your hatred for SM will only grow
    The first time H.O.T. began to get battered by LeeSooMan was during the beginning of their 3rd album
    I’m not sure if you heard their 2nd album song, “Heng Bok”(i think suju remake this song)
    That is the song H.O.T. received the DaeSang award,
    and the album after that for every little mistake, they were hurt.

    At that time, I believed that no matter what, it was merely just rumors
    Slowly, everything I believed were rumors, were slowly turning into realities
    By any chance do you know of Andy of ShinHwa’s incident?
    For awhile he was on stage wearing a mask wasn’t he?
    SM said some unbelievable stuff saying that he ran into something
    or that JunJin fell while taking a shower.

    Everyone continuously told us different things.
    The important factor is that they ran into something or fell,
    but why was only his mouth hurt? How come there were no signs of anything near their forehead or nose or any other facial part?

    A few days before, Andy went into the SM building, and when he came out
    he was wearing a mask, which many fans noticed.
    Honestly, at that time I didn’t believe it.

    After JTL left SM, even after they released their album,
    they weren’t able to properly perform for a good 2 years.
    Their schedules continuously got mysteriously cancelled,
    and on cable t.v. their music video was not even showed ONCE.
    That wasn’t the famous SM-JTL boycott.

    SM went to every television company and threatened that
    in the case they brought JTL onto their broadcasting list, SM would pull out all their singers from that company

    Many fans called JTL’s company “YeJun Media” and asked what was happening,
    but even from there they did not know.
    This is a famous event,
    It was when MoonHeeJun’s 2nd album was supposed to come out
    Fans were sleeping in front of HeeJun’s house,
    when HeeJun’s mother came out and began to cry like no tomorrow.
    She was begging to the fans to save HeeJun…
    “Please save my HeeJun…”

    HeeJun’s first album sold 600,000 copies.
    But SM said, “Merely 600,000?!”
    They said they didn’t want to invest in his 2nd album.
    So for HeeJun’s 2nd album, his music video, and jacket pictures…
    he poured out his own money and savings.

    Buy their album. That is helping DBSk.
    Whenever H.O.T albums came out, we fans bought AT LEAST 2 copies.
    That’s the only reason whenever a new album came out they were able to surpass 1 million album sales.
    And for that fact only…
    that’s the only reason the members were able to collect a little bit of money.
    H.O.T. boys…
    for every album they received approximately 2 cents.
    fter Boa released her first album,
    she received 50 cents per album.
    For five people if it’s 2 cent, that means its not even a quarter cent per person.

    Then you might ask…
    “What about the commercials and photo albums, and all the other side things H.O.T did?”
    To keep it simple,
    the only money H.O.T members make is through album sales.
    Any commercials, and any shows, anything,
    all that money goes to SM.
    So its basically an unjust contract, a slave contract.

    We heard that the contract between DBSK and SM is immense,
    but that’s not always a good thing.
    When one leaves SM you must pay a fee that is much higher than the contract,
    and basically its to stop singers from leaving
    Not only that they will take out a percentage of one’s profits if one leaves.
    Do you think the term “slave contract” came out of nowhere??

    DBSK right now…they are probably having a really hard time.
    Do you all know this?

    The president of SM isn’t LeeSooMan but, KimKyungWook.
    To put it in lament terms…
    Although on paper KimKyungWook is the president,
    the person that makes all the decisions is LeeSooMan.

    The reason,
    SM has done a lot of illegal things.
    And if those acts are caught, someone needs to be blamed.
    So LeeSooMan screws up,
    and KimKyungWook takes the blame.
    If you look at it KimKyungWoo is a slave too. An SM slave.

    H.O.T.’s old manager is currently working for a very famous company.
    That person once said that H.O.T. are kids he truly feels sorry for,
    and so they were kids that he wanted to save.
    That person tried to take H.O.T. out of SM, but got caught by LeeSooMan
    and was immediately fired. Right now he is working at SIDUS and is producing the group G.O.D.
    That is the reason LeeSooMan hates G.O.D. so much.

    So much to the point that any radio show SM(maybe eunhyuk sukira radio?)singers host,
    he makes it clear he doesn’t want to hear them putting on G.O.D. songs.
    Even though slave contract, unjust contracts are against the law,

    LeeSooMan is living quite fine.
    He is truly a rich man. Someone with so much money it is unbelievable.
    Although he waste a lot of money, he always has more.
    We raised SM and then we were stepped on by SM and died.

    All the money that came in from H.O.T was invested into BoA
    and all the money they invested in BoA is being currently relearned.
    But now H.O.T members have encountered so many scars(HOT..T_T),
    and they are slowly being forgotten by people.
    Along with Club H.O.T who set records as a fan club.
    We all are being forgotten by people.

    All of you will get older with DBSK.
    We were the same.
    We used to say that “we’re aging together,”
    and these days those words sound so sad
    As time goes feelings will be stronger,
    and we sincerely hope that DBSK doesn’t endure the same scars from SM, as H.O.T. had.
    Don’t take the same hurt as we did.

    Within DBSK, create an awesome fan culture.(CASSIES LETS DO IT!!!)
    With every childless statement, the fan image is slowly ruined.
    Become fans that think about what you say,
    when announcing you are their fans.

    Don’t ever be flattered by any rumors, and always trust the member.
    Singers will never betray their fans.(DBSK NEED US CASSIES,BIGEAST,INTERNATIONAL FANS!!!)
    Please don’t do things that they don’t like.(MANNERS)
    You shouldn’t ever make your favorite singer feel disappointed in you.
    If you are going to believe this and that, or just move on to someone else,
    then don’t like them from the start.(LOVE DBSK ONLY)
    It will only be scars upon that singer/group.

    As you grow older, even if you find a boyfriend
    don’t ever forget that you are DBSK fans.
    At first it may just be a fantasy for you
    but as time passes and as you grow older
    you will realize that they mean a lot more to you than you know
    In your heart, you will never forget your younger days
    when you were their fans…

    Please make sure it is only memories that you will not regret









    2. Speechless… T.T

      I’ll wait DBSK forever…
      mereka bukan hanya idolaku, tp juga inspirasiku
      aku akan jadi fans loyal DBSK slamanya… fans dari Junsu, Yoochun, Changmin, Yunho, dan Jaejoong!!!

      salut ama fans H.O.T


    3. I’ll support dbsk no matter what
      DBSK FIGHTING miss the so much
      I hope the other members can back and make new boyband with the same members

  26. hahaha, ngakak !! buset dah, si minho dikira cwe ?? kalo ak jadi minho bisa2 ktawa ngakak ampe nangis2 .. LOL

  27. buahahahahah ada2 aja dah media jepang..
    yg bener aja donk minho gue dibilang pacar changmin..
    hey hey mreka only hyung and dongsaeng tau! hahaha…
    kocak britanya..
    tp gpp scara ga lngsg minho gue jd sdikit trknal d jpang hwhw..

    guys pecinta minho follow my twitter yoo..
    just klik my name..

  28. Sumpah… Gwe ngakak mpe nangis… gimana bisa minho dibilang perempuan….Wahahahahhahahahah Gwe ga bsa berhenti ketawa

  29. gya…………..minho d sangka wanita,,,,ada2 aja tapi mang minho ntu imutt n manisss bgttttt
    heheheh minho….hwaiting

  30. heiiii,,,itu tuch cowok ….masa changmin yang super charming di gosipin ma cowok…..oOOOOoooo tidaaaaaaaak,,,,

  31. oowaahh,,bnyak bgt nie coment….:)
    heheheh… , Qjd bingung liat poto nthu,,,!!!
    minho di kra cwek trusz maksut.a dya dbut d jepangQ gak mudeng 🙁

  32. judulnya bikin deg degan,,eh taunya,,???
    minho cakep gitu yg pstinya cowok dikira cewek…
    yg liat pkk kacamata ap..?he

  33. Gak Mngkin !!
    pasti salah itu pasti salah !
    Minho itu cowo sejati..
    (Cowo tulen)

    bukan cewe misterius yang lagi nonton konser This Is It..
    di tempat duduk VIP !! Bukan……….

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