Girls Generation (SNSD) merayakan ulang tahun kelima sejak debut mereka.Β Mereka resmi memulai debutnya dengan “Into The New World” melalui SBS Inkigayo pada tanggal 5 Agustus 2007.
Untuk menunjukkan apresiasi mereka, penggemar membuat iklan di surat kabar dengan pesan, “Terima kasih! Terima kasih telah menjadi bintang kita! Kami senang karena kami menjadi penggemar Girls ‘Generation! “
Β Cek video debut mereka dibawah ini ;
Source : allkpop
Selamat ulang tahun SNSD :* semoga awet selalu
Aku minta maaf pada kalian kalau komen aku selama ini nge-bash idol kalian , setelah aku liat-liat video snsd di youtube aku lgsung brubah pikiran tentang snsd, sekarang aku suka ama mereka .
@heartbraker daebak! kamu mau mengakui π kita hargain banget kejujuran kamu π *shake hand*
welcome into the new world π
@Heartbraker *hug* Chingu hebat mau mengaku ^^
thats ok. dulu awalnya aku juga ga suka snsd *gegara temenku elf n cassie yg suka ngebash snsd*
keke. tapi setelah liat mereka malah jadi suka banget >.<
@heartbraker: jujur itu enak kan hehehe *highfive
welcome….semua orang punya salah yg paling penting mau mengakui kesalahan d masa lalu π heartbreaker daebak
5 Tahun telah berlalu~
banyak hal yang telah berubah dan terjadi
hanya mereka Sonyeoshidae yang dapat merubah sesuatu yg tidak mungkin menjadi mungkin
Dari seorang yang di hujat menjadi orang yang disanjung..
Dari memiliki banyak antifans sekarang memiliki banyak fans..
Dari dibenci menjadi di cinta..
Mereka bukan artis yg ketika debut langsung booming.. Mereka benar” merangkak dari bawah hingga sekarang berada dipuncak.
orang” yg tau bagaimana sebenarnya mereka bisa dijamin akn tersentuh dg kisah mreka π
merekalah orang yang bisa membuatku menangis sambil tertawa pada waktu yang bersamaan π
Mereka mengajariku sangat banyak hal..
Kerja keras..
Mereka tidak pernah mengeluh..
Mereka menjalani profesi mereka seperti sedang bermain ketika diatas panggung.. Mereka berlari kesana kemari tersenyum, tewtawa melambaikan tangan mereka seolah” ingin memeluk sone mereka *inget tour arena japan* wkwkwk
bener banget chingu .. Aq salut sama SONE !! Mereka semua keluarga kita semua keluarga .. Haha
seperti eonniedeul ,mereka bagi aq adalah oksigen , mereka bersedih aq pun sama .. Saat mereka tertawa slalu ada perasaan tenang & damai d’hidupku .. Biarpun mereka d’caci oleh mulut2 gk brtanggung jawab mereka terima karna buat apa meladeni mereka selalu melihat kita SOWON . Yg akan mencintai/mengagumi/serta selalu mendoakan setiap hari2 mereka :'( eonniedeul kami sone sayang kaliannn π
#5thAnnivGirlsGeneration moga langgeng trus kayak soonbaenya shinwa. skrg #5thAnnivGirlsGeneration udh jd TTWW no 1 d twitter. sone sayang kalian. aku bangga jd sone π
happy anniv for Girl Generation
success for you
will be best sone π
Reblogged this on mayangkoto.
#5thAnnivGirlsGeneration =*
happy anniv GG ..smoga awet trus dan bisa ngadain GGTOURINA ..
amin π
aku bagga jd sone π
typo *bangga
aku jga bangga π
Juga liat ini bikin nangis antara terharu dan bangga. Jd pengen dengar Tiffany blg “Indonesia put it back on”
sabar chingu, bentar lgi kita bakal denger tiffany bilang “JAKARTA PUT IT BACK OOOOON”
chingu,,mohon bantuannya ada yg tau penjualan online tket SM town,, penting bgd,, byk yg nawarin tp tkut ky orng2 di kjadian sushow kmren *amit2*,,yg bner2 dpt dipercaya lngsung…
Happy #5thAnnivGirlsGeneration , always be our Guardian angel . long lifeee!!!!!! Jeongmal saranghe soshi!!!
Saengil chukae unniedeul mdahan te2p b’tahan mpe nnti mpe jde ahjumma2 rmponk kekeke… Dan w janji gk akn prnah b’henti jde SONE coz bwt w jde SONE ntu sgt ngebanggain.. SNSD hwaitink..SNSD saranghae :*
wkakaka “ahjumma remponk” π
Terima kasih sudah ada untuk SONE.
ITNW sampai Paparazzi adalah bukti cinta kalian untuk SONE.
Great^^ love urri So Nyuh Shi Dae forever π
always proud to be SONE
happy birthday eonniedeul,kami sone akan selalu mendukung kalian.
Jigeumeun seo nyuh sih dae
apeureodo seo nyuh sih dae
yeongwonhi seo nyuh sih dae
happy 5th anniversary my beloved 9 angels. forever 9 and never be apart.
teruslah berkarya dan buat SONE selalu bangga dengan kalian :*
sukses terus untuk ke depannya.
SNSD, right now,in the future and forever always be the best! jjang!!
my present for SNSD 5th Anniversary
Happy 5th anniversary GG !!!! We β₯ soshi .. β₯ β₯ β₯
Soshi eonnideul… Happy Birthday to you…
semoga makin cantik, makin keren, sehat selalu dan sukses selalu…
langgeng terus dan tetap menghasilkan karya yang menakjubkan lainnya…
And Than, eonnideul ditunggu banget project selanjutnya dari EXOSHIDAE… please i want to EXOSHIDAE….. yeah that’s right EXOSHIDAE….. EXOSHIDAE JJANG!!! EXOSHIDAE FIGHTING!!!
selamat… π
mudah-mudahan bisa langgeng dan bertahan lama, bisa terus mempersembahkan karya yang oke2..
HAPPY #5thAnniversary my nine kids……………………………!!!
-trmkash krn kalian telah mengajarkan kita bhwa keberhasilan selalu di barengi dgn kerja keras
-trm ksh krn kalian telah mengajarkan kita arti dari kesabaran dan pengorbanan tnpa di minta utk di kasihani.
-trm ksh krn kalian telah mengajarkan kita utk selalu rendah hati dan slalu bersyukur
– trm ksh krn kalian tlh mnjadi Girls Generation dgn persahabatan yang begitu indah tnpa keegoisan.
# I LOVE you 9 angel
# Sone love Soshi,,,
*knp gue jd pngn mewek* π
gw jga dr tdi udh pengen mewek chingu. maklum ini kali pertama ngerayain ultahnya soshi. bahagia n terharu bgt π
*tos* sm gue za ni utk prtma kali nya
tp rasa sayang gue sm soshi ga kalah sm sone Yg udh 2,3.4 atau 5 tahun! π
dan dari setahun yg lalu smpe skrng utk selamaya gue pastikan gue akan trs jadi sone Krna gue udah terlanjur syng sm soshi. π
chingu jga buat pertama kalinya? *tos*
sama gw jga gitu rasa sayang gw jga gak kalah dr sone yg udh senior. udh bertekad dr tahun kmrn bakal jd sone selamanya π
yupz mari qta pegangan tngn bersama2 akan ttp mnjadi sone dAn dkng soshi apaPun yg terjadi kecuali bubar *amit amit*getok meja*.
dan 1 lagi mereka za sahabtan, knp sesama sone ga jd sahabat za?? bnr tak ? π
lebay ga sih?? *bodo ah* π
mari kita saling berpegangan tangan π
bener bgt, musti ada sonebond π
5YEARS, 9ANGELS, 1DREAM! S N S D #5thAnnivGirlsGeneration
gak bisa berkata apa2..
apalagi terharu pas di fanmeet 5th anniversary
tapi sone n khususnya aku gak bakal biarin itu..aku malah ingin jawab.
so,happy 5th anniversary ya eonie..n sone kita bersenang ria..
terharu nginget moment…atau bullyan orang tentang mereka..hiks
hiks iya chingu, keinget kata2 taeyeon yg itu. tp aku jga gak bisa kayak gitu. biarin mereka benci sone drpd benci snsd
iya…betul chingu..biarin aja kita yg dihujat…jangan snsd eonie..
ya ampun…kalau ngeliat salah satu personel snsd nangis…hatiku langsung teriris..
iy chingu, setuju bgt
“So let’s become best friends that don’t get ashamed of each other but cherish and have plenty of care for each other.” – Kim Taeyeon (SNSD Official Website, 10th Dec 2010)
“We wil show you a SNSD that works even harder in the future. We will try hard to deserve even more love in the future as well.” – Lee Soonkyu (Melon Music Award, 16th Dec 2009)
“Nine people who are very different from each others, have now become one.” – Choi Sooyoung (Golden Disk Award, 10th Dec 2010)
“I mean we can’t be promoting as SNSD until we’re ahjummas. However, like Shinhwa sunbaenims, even when everyone is focusing on their individual activities, I would like for us to get together and hold a concert or release albums…I want SNSD to be like that.” – Im Yoona (Win Win Ep.11, 2010)
“To my precious members, who I hope to be with forever, I love you and thank you so much.” – Choi Sooyoung (Melon Music Award, 16th Dec 2009)
“As we grow older, I don’t think people would want to see us shaking lollipops and acting all cute. Instead, they would want us to strive to perfect ourselves as artists. If that’s the case, then we’re confident that we can be such artists.” – Kwon Yuri
“I wish SNSD’s way down can be more beautiful than anyone else’s and that we will enjoy what we have right now. I wish we would all do things with a positive mind.” – Jessica jung (Win Win Ep.11, 2010)
“Thank you so much to the staff who took nine average girls and turned them into SNSD.” – Kwon Yuri (Melon Music Award, 16th Dec 2009)
“Although she departed from me first, she left me with eight sisters. So I want to thank both my mom and God..” – Stephanie Hwang (KJE’s Chocolate, 16th Aug 2009)
“There are many incidents where the unnies and I had disagreements…we disagreed on little things. But I learned a lot through those arguments.” – Seo Juhyun (Win Win Ep.11, 2010)
“We can at least go backstage where it’s cool and get rest, but the fans have to stay and watch in the heat. It’s not me mom…it’s the fans who have it hard.” – Kim Taeyeon (during one of SNSD’s concerts, as told by her mom to a fan)
“You asked us about teamwork, but really there is no secret. We just live like sisters.” – Choi Sooyoung
βFrom now on I will be loving more and more and I donβt think it will ever turn less.β – Kim Taeyeon (Taeyeon’s Birthday Party, 7th Mar 2010)
“I think it thanks to all the loving fans over anything else. This is not a day for us to be congratulated but a day for us to congratulate the fans. We can only shine brightest as SNSD when SNSD stand on one stage as nine.” – Kwon Yuri (GDA, 9th Dec 2010)
“They say ‘Lucky Number 7′ but Lucky Number 9 has been ingrained in my head. My lucky number is 9.” – Stephanie Hwang (Midnight TV Entertainment, 11th Nov 2010)
“I think it’s great that a group of friends are pursuing a single dream and creating amazing memories in the process.” – Kwon Yuri (Midnight TV Entertainment, 11th Nov 2010)
“I really wish that we all stay healthy so we can spend a longer time together as a group.” – Choi Sooyoung (Midnight TV Entertainment, 11th Nov 2010)
When I was there, I took the underground trains…(talking about her days in Route 0). Now when we arrive at the airport, there are cars waiting for us. So when I went this time, I felt humbled. What I couldn’t do alone then has become possible because I’m together with these eight. They all became even more precious to me.” – Choi Sooyoung (Night Star Ep.27, 2010)
“While we were doing our promotions, there were a lot of times when I was exhausted and tired, but since the other members were beside me.. If it wasn’t for those friends, the amount of love that I’m receiving right now as a member of SNSD, I could never have received that if I’m alone.” – Kwon Yuri (Invincible Youth Ep.1, 2009)
“During our break time, I was filming a drama. And so as I went out alone to do my schedule by myself, I thought of our members a lot more… But really, those text messages and phone calls while I was filming was really such a great encouragement for me.” – Im Yoona (Taeyeon’s Chin Chin Radio, 13th January 2009).
“Between people who truly care and love each other, there are times where you don’t need to say anything at all. Those emotions that are hard to express with words. Things like “I love you” and “Thank you”…you don’t really need to say those words.” – Kim Taeyeon (Taeyeon’s Chin Chin Radio, 13th January 2009).
“During those nine months, so many things happened and I went through so many different emotions and realized so many things. It was such an important time where I felt the precious value of the stage and the precious value of each other. And so I’m grateful.” – Stephanie Hwang (Taeyeon’s Chin Chin Radio, 13th January 2009).
“During these nine months, as we had our break time, I think we grew to know each other better… And during this time, so many things happened and we grew more mature and learned to truly love and care for each other.” – Jessica Jung (Taeyeon’s Chin Chin Radio, 13th January 2009).
“For me, each one of our SNSD members is like my body. If one gets hurt or hears bad things from someone else, it hurts me and pains me even more. It’s impossible for only good things to happen to someone and so there were difficult times and hurtful times. But during those times, I’m so thankful that we were each other’s strength and each other’s support.” – Lee Soonkyu (Taeyeon’s Chin Chin Radio, 13th January 2009).
“Every single member is so precious to me and like family to me.. I may joke around with them a lot but I can’t talk seriously with them..because it’s awkward for me. But on the inside, I really do think of each one of you so much and I want you all to know that.” – Kim Hyoyeon (Taeyeon’s Chin Chin Radio, 13th January 2009).
“During these nine months, we really held on to each other and guided each other and pushed each other. And I’m so happy that we were able to have those precious times together. We’ve been through so much together so let’s..together..leap even stronger now. And…I love you.” – Kwon Yuri (Taeyeon’s Chin Chin Radio, 13th January 2009).
“I truly have nothing but gratitude for my unnies. I’m just so thankful and I really can’t say anything other than just thank you.” – Seo Juhyun (Taeyeon’s Chin Chin Radio, 13th January 2009).
“When there are hurtful times and sad times, I’ve come to find that there is no one else but these nine people here. Even really close oppas or manager oppas..if they’re not in SNSD, no one really knows and understands. There were so many times like that and I wish that there will be no more times of hurt and sadness that brings us to tears… I love you, our SNSD.” – Kim Taeyeon (Taeyeon’s Chin Chin Radio, 13th January 2009).
I know that it wasnβt by accident that there are nine of us and it was all destiny and meant to be. -Tiffany Hwang #5thAnnivGirlsGeneration
Towards fans, WE (SNSD) are the NEEDLE and THEY are the Thread. We have to have each other and be together to exist. -Choi Sooyoung
SNSD is a group of 9 girl female students. Weβre pretty one by one as well,but its when weβre all together that we can really shine. -Jessica
β We have a unique lineup and maybe that makes us a complete girl groupβ – Jessica
“Being cold is something I must always have. To protect SNSD” – Jessica #5thAnnivGirlsGeneration
βIβm crying because Iβm touched by my members who always try to look out for me.β β Stephanie Hwang #5thAnnivGirlsGeneration
“They are usually like this (being noisy) because we give our sones alot of freedom” – Kim Taeyeon #5thAnnivGirlsGeneration
“For me, each one of our SNSD members is like my body. If one gets hurt, it hurts me & pains me even more.” – Sunny
“I am so happy that we are here not only through love and trust for each other, but through our passionate hearts” – Tiffany
“SONEs make us more popular, so please don’t hate them.” – Taeyeon #5thAnnivGirlsGeneration
“That’s why we’re SNSD. We make up for each other’s weaknesses.” -Sooyoung #5thAnnivGirlsGeneration
Yuri: βGyahhhh~ Iβm grateful for my lovely fans! Thanks to you guys it was happiest birthday for me~ *Letβs be together, always!*
SNSD: βThank you all for your support. We couldnβt have gotten here without you all. SNSD HWAITING!!!β #5thAnnivGirlsGeneration
βSo letβs become best friends that donβt get ashamed of each other but cherish and have plenty of care for each other.β β Kim Taeyeon
βTo my precious members, who I hope to be with forever, I love you and thank you so much.β -Sooyoung #5thAnnivGirlsGeneration
βThe 9 of us being together is more important than anything else.β -Kim Hyoyeon
βSome relationships donβt need words.β – Jessica #5thAnnivGirlsGeneration
βThe name βGirls Generationβ in itself contains dreams. And that dream of making the world a Girls Generation will never change.β – Seohyun
βLike a mirror, I look into them (SNSD members) and theyβll reflect meβ β Sooyoung #5thAnnivGirlsGeneration
βEven though there are 9 of us,the fact that we love&care for each other is a miracle.β-Sooyoung
“Itβs not important who gets to ride shotgun. We are all going to the same destination after all.” -SNSD #5thAnnivGirlsGeneration
βWeβre all we have, and youβre all I have.β β Tiffany #5thAnnivGirlsGeneration
βWhat I couldnβt do alone then has become possible because Iβm together with these eight. They all became even more precious to me.β – Sooyoung #5thAnnivGirlsGeneration
“The fans are what make the artist. I think that’s short and sweet.” – Tiffany #5thAnnivGirlsGeneration
“None of our members are jealous of each other. Instead, we like seeing each other succeed and learn from each other.” -Tiffany Hwang
βWe can only shine brightest as SNSD when SNSD stands on one stage as nine.β – Yuri
#5thAnnivGirlsGenerationThat was our energy source seeing that pink wave.β – Yoona #5thAnnivGirlsGeneration
“I don’t think Girls’ Generation will ever be broken apart even after many years have gone by.” – Taeyeon #5thAnnivGirlsGeneration
“You asked us about teamwork, but really there is no secret, We jut live like sisters.” – Sooyoung #5thAnnivGirlsGeneration
“They say if you fall, someone who loves you will lend a hand for you, I have 8 pairs of hands always ready to hold me back up when I stumble” – Jessica
Yuri: βWe, SNSD, will always continue working hard as a response for all the love you have given us. Thank You!
Tiffany: βOur loving fans, I canβt say anything else but to say that we love you. Thank you for always giving us energy and cheering us on. We will try to be more hard working!β
SONEs: “Don’t hate SNSD, hate us.” SNSD: “Don’t hate our fans, hate us.”
Girl Generation!!!! Happy 5th Anniversary β₯β₯β₯β₯β₯ 1825 DAYS 109500 HOURS 6570000 MINUTES 394200000 SECONDS. Girls’ Generation β₯ SONE forever
“Being in Girlsβ Generationβ¦ Like Sooyoung said, thereβs no point in Girlsβ Generation if it wonβt be us 9 girls together.” β YoonA
sama T__T
our precious 9 kids <3
ijin copas yak ?
“The Soshi girls are mentally strong and prepared. The program writers would compliment on how amazing they are like that. The PDs love the girls, they are always eager to do more than asked. The excellence of the girls’ work ethics and attitude is like second to none.” – SBS staff account (19th July 2010).
βNo doubt about their performance, but what was more impressive was SNSDβs attitudes. Other artists I have worked with them for long time but for SNSD when I first met them they were already top stars. And I worried that they might not hide the vagaries of their moods at the set and make the shooting difficult. But instead they were so courteous and innocently cheerful.β – Jang Jaehyuk, the director of Tell Me Your Wish MV (he wrote a staff account)
βThe pranksters are playing with fireworks now, wearing sunglasses at night.. Everytime I watch them playing on their own I get frustrated that I cannot film their true selves like this! We are watching a real random comedy show in Phuket.β – A Phuket filming crew (SNSD’s photobook filming)
OMG .. ini video bikin gw termehek2!! TT.TT
sama T__T
our precious 9 kids <3 <3
5th anniversary….hyo bday….smtown ina….sowon, mari kita berpesta!!!!!
Menjadi SONE selama 2th terakhir .. Dari semua pujian yg ingin gw sampaikan pada 9 angel ..
PROUD .. adalah kata yang tepat ..
menangis dan tertawa bersama SNSD .. mereka sudah menjadi bagian dari hidup gw ..
gw bahagia banget bangeettt bisa kenal SNSD…
terimakasih telah menjadi bintang kami ..
Happy birthday ..
Forever so nyuh shi dae..β₯
Happy brithday SNSD ..
Sejauh ini GB yg nyantol di hati ak cm kalian ..
Paiting semua .. \’,’/ =D
Happy Birth Day Girls Generation, thanks being my favorite k-pop girl band.
A bit story, Girls Generation are the first girl band that i see when i searching about k-pop.
First video that i see is “into the new world”.
Happy anniversary snsd
moga makin sukses
taeyeon, jessica, sunny, tiffany, hyoyeon, yuri, sooyoung, yoona, seohyun. I love you unnideul
congrats 9 kids!
I wanna cherish you forever
heheheh cz U make my life complete^^
happy 5th anniversary for all my lovely onnie, pokoknya cuma SNSD “the one and only” aku bangga jd SONE, we love u more and more ^_^. hwaiting π
#5thAnnivGirlsGeneration. I’m proud to be SONE. SOSHI + SONE = FAMILY π Keep charming and dorky unnie-deul :))
#5thAnnivGirlsGeneration selamat ultah buat SNSD
wah gg kerasa udh 5 thn aja
smg awet trus smp akhir
Happy 5th anniversarry GG <3
Taengoo.. Miss your long hair…
Simple aja doanya, "Berjaya bersama fans^^" (apa banget dah. speechless)
yap kayak kata jessica dan yuri
“We succeeded together with sones. Sones made all this happen. Basically, we matured together.” <3
Ini semaleman ga tidur cuman buat nongkrongin SSF. Sempet buka juga tragedi paling kejam 2008, jadi mewek dah
Pokoknya berharap dan doakan yg terbaik buat Soshi, mungkin ga perlu terlalu banyak berkontribusi sampe ngorbanin waktu yang penting setia dan setia jadi SONE itu lebih dari cukup
Happy anniversary 5th my Soshi. aq sbg Sone sngt bangga pd kalian. terus maju n terus berkarya, apapun halangannya hadapilah dgn kebersamaan krn itulah salah satu kunci sukses di dlm kehidupan. Kebersamaan itu sngt mahal harganya yg tdk bs di beli dgn uang brp pun harganya. Jadilah panutan yg baik n slalu menjadi inspirasi bg kami terutama bg Sone dimanapun berada. Tetap semangat n slalu bersatu saat diatas ataupun saat dibawah, moga slalu sehat n makin kompak. Amin….
Girls Generation always and forever. So Nyuh Shi Dae Fighting.
eonni betapa ak mencintai kalian, kalian adl idola trbae bwtku, melihat kalian sll mmberi energi positif d typ hr2ku
smga kalian sll bersma, 9 adl kta2 pzt bwt kalian, t ad yg bz brubh,
eonni fighting, ak bangga jd SONE
Reblogged this on BlackAngel KristyaN M.
Happy 5th anniversary unnideul…
Semoga SNSD langgeng dan tetep solid kayak skrg..
i <3 SNSD
My precious 9girls, tetep kompak, rendah hati, makin sukses n sebarkan cinta kalian pada dunia… π
happy birthday soshi semoga kalian abadi untuk selama nya π
aku cinta kalian π
see you 22 sept gelora bung karno put it back on !!
Happy 5th Anniversary Girls’ Generation!
Aku sebagai SONE-newbie- sangat sangat bangga dengan onnideul~
Sangat menyesal~kenapa aku tidak kenal kalian dari dulu…
Walaupun ini adalah kali pertama aku merayakannya, jangan ragukan aku sebagai SONE π
aku akan selalu mencintai kalian seperti SONE yg telah mengenal kalian selama 5 tahun
Aku berharap semoga kalian bisa tetap berjuang bersama dan terus berkarya sampai nanti kalian berkeluarga (?)
Terimakasih telah mewarnai hidupku dengan ke-dorkyan kalian~
Terimakasih karena menjadi energy pill untukku~
Terimakasih atas segalanya~
And…Terimakasih Lee Soo Man dan SM yg telah menemukan 9 angels untuk kami…
Untuk SONE yg lain…tolong bantu ya supaya aku jadi lebih baik lagi sebagai fans onnideul π
wah same with me. nyesel gak kenal mereka dr dulu. pdhl tahun 2009 mv gee rajin bgt wara wiri d on the spot. tp waktu itu blom tertarik. sumpah nyesel bgt π
@mayang_koto: iya nih..dulu pertama kali liat mv the boys terus gee di youtube sebelum ada hallyu wave di Indo..ngomong-ngomong aku add fb onnie (bener kan) loh! namanya Larashati Ihza Kinanti… π and komen juga di blog onnie
tau fbku dr mana ya, perasaan aku gak ada nyantumin alamat fb d blog π
gomawo ya udh komen π
hehe..aku kan ngefans sama onnie kekeke..pengen punya temen yg sama2 SONE, soalnya temen2 aku ga nyambung kalo diajak ngomong ttg SoShi..malah kebanyakan antis TT
oh ya..soal taunya..kan onnie ngasih tau namanya..yaudah searching aja deh..keke mian *BOW
kekeke, ngefans ama aku π
ow, hehe. iy krn nama fb ku itu nama asliku jd gampang nyarinya , ntar aku add. gomawo π
huwaaa… mewek deh… *tebar tisu*
uri eonnideul hwaiting! S<3NE loves SNSD! forever and ever!
Reblogged this on theworldofhohocucu and commented:
Sdah 5th jd S <3 N E bkannya bosen malah makin hari cintaku mkn bertambah bertambah bertambah
Happy 5th Anniversary to Girls’ Generation :*
Happy b’day 9IRL 9ENERATION
kejujuran antara satu member ke member lainnya yang bisa menghindarkan sesuatu yang dinamakan pem”bully”an.. so i’m proud of you soshi..
κ·Έλ¦… μκ³ μμ΄ κ·Έλ¦¬κ³ λλ°κΈ°μΌ μ°λ¦¬μλ μλ.. λλμ¬λν¨λλ€… :,)
Reblogged this on Trias Marhadini and commented:
Happy b’day snsd semoga tambah sukses dan semoga terus bersama.
my fav song..
di lagu ini bener2 keliatan kualitasnya SNSD.
suaranya mantheb daancenya juga mantheb!
mereka udah 5 tahun ^o^
dan menemaniku selama 4 tahun di dunia KPOP
(since 2008)
perjuangan kalian benar2 hebat.
tahun 2008 aku pake jaket snsd ke mall/gath, langsung di bashing cewe2 yang liat. tahun 2008 buka KI artikel ttg snsd pasti diiringi bashingan.
tapi sekarang malah mereka semua udah jadi sone!
Selamat ultah Soshi….always be my nine angles. I’m really proud of you ladies….^_^b.
Reblogged this on Super Generation Family.
taeyeon unnie, jessica unnie, sunny unnie, tiffany unnie, hyoyeon unnie, yuri unnie, sooyoung unnie, yoona unnie dan seohyun unnie! happy 5th anniversary ya! semoga sehat selalu dan panjang umur. i love you unnies. your dongsaeng is waiting for you here kkk~
Chukkae..chukkae SNSD, wlaupun aq bkan Sone.. Tpi q ttep ska mreka..:D
slmt ulg tahun SNSD! sampai ketemu di SMTown INA. SoShi SOne 4ever kece! xD
You guys don’t know how you all change almost every single piece of my life. Please don’t ever change. Kalo lagi ada masalah itu pertama inget Tuhan, abis itu keluarga, nggak lupa pasti inget onniedeul dengan segala perjalanannya yang menginspirasi.
Nggak bisa bilang banyak. Cuma berharap yang paling baik buat mereka. Mereka bukan sekedar penyanyi yang gue didengerin setiap hari, bukan cuma model yang gue dikagumi hanya karna cantiknya, mereka udah jadi inspirasi besar buat banyak orang termasuk gue.
Terimakasih buat antis karena kalian gue belajar untuk nggak benci orang seenaknya. Karena dibenci itu nggak enak.
Makasih terkhusus buat Sone dimana pun : Karena FanVid, Sub, FanCam, Photos, FanFict, FanArt, FanACC, Artikel, dan banyak ketemu temen baru, semua yang kalian kerjain bikin hari gue nggak bosen selalu nano- nano.
SNSD Makes my life full of happiness, proud, smiles, laugh, and many more… Big thanks onnie! Big thanks Sone! I love you guys. Nggak bisa janji yang aneh- aneh tapi pasti berusaha yang paling maksimal. I am PROUD to say that now I’m a SONE.
SNSD JJANG…!!!!!!!!!!! π
GB yang laen ke Dolly aje π
sff itu apa?
wow demi rmbt belah tengah uri leader yg hot bgt, GB fav gw lg ultah. mo ngasih selamat lg dah..
happy 5th anniversary Girls Generation, semoga pnjng umur, makin bijak mnghdpi masalah, tambah cantik dan baik hati. dan yg plng pnting, slalu bisa jd kebanggaan fans kalian.
snsd always in my heart :D…#terharu jadinya ;(
Klo kta tiffany : its a dream come true …
woooohhooo!!! aq baru nih jd SONE tw tw Snsd dah dr 2009 tp br jd SONE nya barusan.. but I still proud to be SONE! π #5thAnnivGirlsGeneration <3
Happy Anniversary So Nyeo Shi Dae (SNSD) … Semoga Kompak terus Ber 9 Terus sampai Akhir…GO!! SONE ^^ #5thAnnivGirlsGeneration
@dany5hn : wah sama dong π
Happy anniversary 5th snsd
terharu banget sama kata kata tayeon
sukses slalu bwt snsd , saranghaeyoβ₯β₯β₯β₯β₯β₯β₯β₯β₯β₯β₯
cukae snsd. swmoga awet sampe bertahun tahun
Makasih buat smua yg kalian berikan kepada SONE .
Makasih buat karya nya , smoge langgeng ya , SONE bakal ngedukung kalian , Hwaiting my Sweet heart .
makin cinta sama snsd… π
kid leader taeng<3
makin cinta sama snsd onnie… π
kid leader taeng<3
makin cinta sama snsd<3<3<3
kid leder taeyeonXD
HBD, SNSD,,,,,,,,,, smg selalu jd yang no 1,,di korea,,, i love u SNSD ,, SONE 4EVER
#5thAnnivGirlsGeneration gue mewek all,saking terharu nya :’) SNSD <9 loveyou gue bangga jadi SONE!!! :*
Happy 5th anyv SNSD
Ini pertama kali aku meraykan ultah kalian
Kalian begitu semangat dan pantang menyerah
Kalian inspiraSiku
Aku menjadi mempunyai banyak teman dari berbagai negara
Selama ini aku malas membaca artikel bahasa inggris tpi bgitu melihat berita tentang kalian aku langsung semangat
Thank a lot for SNSD
You make me life complete
Proud to be SONE
Ini adlh tahun pertama q merayakan ulang tahun Soshi.
Semoga langgeng, seperti Shinhwa. Amin
Happy 5th Anniversary Girls’ Generation!!
long last ya eonnideul.. tetep ber9 mpe kapanpun! terus berikan karya2 terbaik kalian!
jigeumeun so nyeo shi dae!
apurado so nyeo shi dae!
yongwonhi so nyeo shi dae!
2 thun yg lalu aq adlh antis… gag ska sma snsd krn aq elf. tp stlah nnton ITNW aq bnar2 jdi SONE, stiap browsing yg aq cri psti ttg SNSD trutma my bias Soo unnie.. wlau sring d bashing sma tman2Q krna “aq cwe tpi ngefans sma GB”. but, buat aq gag mslah, aq suka SNSD bkan krna dy cntik. aq ska mreka krna mreka brbda, mreka tahu dan pham apa yg nma’a prjuangan, mreka sling mndukung stu sma lain, mreka slalu mlangkah brsma, mreka mnghargai btapa bsar cinta SONE pda mereka, pnghargaan mreka kpda org tak pnah pndang bulu, bhkan staff mreka pun dperlakukan lyaknya keluarga mreka,aq trharu ketika Kid Leader menangis saat mreka mkan d meja sdgkan para staff hrus mkan d bwah. n mreka slalu mmbayar itu dengan Prestasi yg slalu buat SAYA BANGGA MENGATAKAN SAYA SONE n SNSD adlah GB TERBAIK BAGIKU.
SNSD Jjang…
Kemarin SNSD…
hari nie SNSD…
slamanya hanya SNSD…..
Mereka 9 gadis yang mempunyai mental dan kepribadian kuat.
Mereka bersikap apa adanya dan selalu menjadi diri mereka.
aku bangga jadi sone. aku bangga pernah mengenal ke 9 gadis ini..
aku ingin menjadi sone sampai kapanpun selama mereka masih bersembilan ^^
Aku emang baru mengikrarkan diri jadi Sone kira2 6 ato 7 bulan yg lalu, pas liat perjuangan mereka pas awal debut bikin speecles, pengen nangis, kaget semuanya jd satu!!
Girl Grup sebesar SNSD ternyata pernah mengalami hal2 yg “mengerikan” seperti itu.. Tp toh mereka tetap berjuang bersama, tumbuh dengan 9 kepala yg juga sama…
Sebagai perempuan, menjadikan mereka sbg inspirasi adalah hal yg akan aku pegang, u/ tetap tegar apapun yg terjadi, u/ tetap selalu berjuang, u/ selalu rendah hati dan u/ selalu memberikan terbaik u/ orang2 disekitarku
Happy 5th Anniversary SNSD,
my best idol 4ever,,
<3 U
happy 5thanniversary uri snsd …
5tahun pun msih bertahan,semoga unniedul kan selalu bersama selama.nya..
thnks god i found Girls Generation,,thanks SM you created Girls Generation,,thanks to all Sones u keep support Girls Generation now,tomorrow,and future….i’m proud to be sone \o/ and this article is full of Sones^^ #5thannivGirlsGeneration
Happy 5th Anniversary So Nyuh Shi Dae !!!…..
SNSD & SONE is are ” Best Friend ” 4ever …. π
So Nyuh Shi Dae you are the BEST !!!…..
SONE love SNSD ….. 4ever ……!!.. π
Happy 5th Anniversary Girls’ Generation, moga makin solid dan tetap berjalan bersama SONE seperti saat ini
Semakin kuat menahan kata” antis yang semakin berkoar koar, bertahan hingga menjadi ahjuma remponk&halmeoni bawel #lebay. Jangan lupa jaga tali persaudaraan dan jaga kesehatan, saling dukung, dan jangan ada kekerasaan yang serius, cukup bully buat main” aja
Aku tak akan pernah menyesal menjadi seorang fanboy Girls’ Generation, sebesar dan serumit apapun skandal yang ‘mungkin’ menghampiri mereka, sebesar dan serumit itu pula rasa cintaku pada mereka π
aku senang bisa kenal kalian
kalian bisa buat aku menangis tertawa
aku gak pernah ngefans sama org seperti ini
entahlah kalian punya “magic” apa membuat aku dan ribuan bahkan mungkin jutaan sone diluar sana cinta kepada kalian
happy aniversary snsd
sama. aku jga blom pernah ngefans segila ini sebelumnya
gue bangga…kenal KPOP dari pacarku tahun 2009 ….gara2 nie lagu gee…
banggaa jadi SONE…kita tunggu comebakmu soshi
Happy b’day ke-5. dah 5 tahun kalian menemani dan menyajikan karya2 buat dinikmati seluruh dunia. Semoga untuk tahun2 kedepannya kalian bisa lebih menyebarkan karya, cita n cinta kalian pada dunia…
hbd snsd.. setiap kali puter2 ulang video snsd selalu berharap snsd gak akan pernah seperti T-ARA ! amin… takut banget liat kasus T-ARA… snsd fighting!
saengil chukkaee uri GG
seneng dan terharu bgt liat perjuangan eonniedeul sampe sekarang
kenapa suka SNSD???
banyak bgt alesannya tapi yang paling penting adalah, aku suka karena mereka selalu kompak dan mensupport satu sama lain
GG is always in my heart
9 Girls …. 5 Years …. One Love…
Saengil chukae SoShi Unnies..
Jigeumeun So Nyuh Shi Dae!
Apreudo So Nyuh Shi Dae!
Yeongweonhi So Nyuh Shi Dae!
Saranghaeyo :*
annyeong! ..
glad to hear that ..
happy birthday to your career so far ..
good luck, hopefully good plan is reached ..
5th anniversary
semua komen sowon bikingua terharu..
ak sebagai elf mau ucapin HAPPY ANNIVERSARY buat SNSD,
smga smakin dicintai, dan sukses π
kita semua bersaudara hrs saling dukung,
mewakali sone aku mau ngucapin makasih banyak ya. moga sone n elf kedepannya bsa selalu akur n menjadi saudara π
Gue sebenernya suka gk sampe jd fans.
Tapi lagunya bagus.Yg pengen gw tanyain apakah benar member Snsd itu oplas??.Cuma sekedar nanya aja.. π
klo kata aku sih gak.
mmm..setauku ada sih..tapi cuma kelopak matanya biar jadi ganda…tapi kebanyakan anak2 SoShi udah cantik dari lahir π dan yg bilang semuanya oplas..aku gak setuju kalo semuanya dibilang oplas..karena gak semuanya (?) biasa lah kerjaan antis..dan aku juga pernah nyasar ke blog antis..mereka update juga ttg berita onnideul..kekeke..mian kalo ada yang ga setuju…:)
Happt anniv eonnideull… Wish you all the best eonnideul.. Semoga bisa ngadain konser di indonesia eonnideul……
Snsd daebak
Love You Girls’ Genetarion, I’m always SONE for you π thanks my star, you’re the best for me π *love*
karena soshi aq mengenal k-pop
Ya ampun masih aja ada yg nge-rate down ckck ya sudahlah~
chukhaee SNSD ^^
unni yg cantik2 ^^
Lima tahun setelah debut, SNSD tumbuh menjadi girlband kelas internasional dan memimpin gelombang Hallyu ke seluruh dunia, dengan virus talenta dan pesonanya mereka menjangkiti manusia, kemudian membawa efek mematikan hingga munculnya SONE di tiap pelosok bumi ini.
Happy 5th Anniversary, Girls’ Generation! Love You.
SnsD daebbakKK π
Q bngga n mrasa bruntung mnjadi se0rang “SONE” Slama nie , ,
trima ksih unNIEdul,krena klian tlah mmbuat hdup.q yg brwarna mjd lbih brwarna brkat KALIAN, ,
trlebih tuk YoongNIe,krena tlah mmbawa.q kdunia yg blum prnah q ktahui sbelum.x π