[MV] Junsu JYJ (XIA) – "Uncommitted"


Junsu JYJ (XIA) telah merilis MV untuk “Uncommitted“!
Seluruh MV mengambil tempat di Los Angeles dan dikerjakan oleh staf level A, termasuk sutradara Marc Klasfield. MV menampilkan pemikiran lembut seorang pria yang bersumpah hanya akan mencintai seorang wanita.
Tonton MV di bawah ini!
source: allkpop
shared by geevy@koreanindo.net


0 thoughts on “[MV] Junsu JYJ (XIA) – "Uncommitted"

  1. *terlepas dri pelafalan english junsu*, but the all so PERFECT.. amazing voice,, just WOW, junsu make it again.. *stlah Tarantallegra, now uncommitted*..
    Junsu so sexy,.. ;3 Junsu jjang..

  2. iya ya,, dgr nya kyk uncomerited bkn uncomitted,, junsu kl pngin tembus usa, inggrisnya dipolin,, after all, i like it so much,, kyk’e bklan didgrin tiap hr nih,, daebak pooool….!!! proud being JYJ fans…

    1. menurut saya Junsu membuat album english bukan semata2 untuk tembus pasar USA, kalaupun iya maka pasti akan ada promosi besar2an di tv show tv show di amerika seperti yang dilakukan WG dan SNSD.. BUT THAT’S NOT.. Junsu make this album for his fans, considered that his fans from all over the world that most of all not speaking in korean and japan.. AND THAT’S THE REAL SINGER HAVE TO BE DONE.. and Junsu DID IT!!!

  3. Inggrisnya junsu bgssssss, kl suka dgrin lagu dbsk/jyj yang b.inggris dr awal bakal tw kalau inggris junsu disini berkembang banyakkk..
    Arghhhhh junsu keren, reply again and again lagunya, hiii

    1. kkk tp masih jelas kok… dia nyanyi apa gua ngerti… wkwk emg ada bbrp yg ga kedengeran gara2 keceptan, tp yg aga lambat jelas kok dia ngom apaa~ setidaknya dia udah berkembang.. mgkn lagunya yg berikutnya bakal lbh bagus lagi lafalnya~ =DDDDD

  4. Arransemen nya sih asik. Lirik nya juga bagus, Suara nya apa lagi…tapi bahasa inggrisnya….hehehehe….
    Ayo belajar lagi Abang Junsu….
    Tapi this is DAEBAK!!!
    Ce nya bikin envy deh… -_-”

    1. coba di replay dan dengerin yg partnya agak lambat, pasti lumayan ngerti. emang pertama2 ga ngudeng, tapi yg kedua kalinya aku langsung ngerti kok dibagian yg agak mellow. di reffnya juga lumayan kok.

  5. why most of the comment is judging his english skill?? if anyone knows him from the very begining (debut – til now), he’s still our perky dorky clumsy Junsu that why I find it CUTE and Amazing.. coz he improve alot from before.. and once more this album is made for all his fans that’s most of them not speaking in korean and japan and not to do the US debut.. think more people.. AKTF

    1. mereka maunya udah langsung lancar english kayak artis2 amerika gitu ching. padahal kan entah itu jepang, china, atau korea punya accent yg sulit utk dihilangkan oleh mereka sendiri. malah agak bingung juga kalau ada artis korea/jepang yg englishnya fasih kayak orang amerika banget. seenggaknya bahasa inggrisnya junsu meningkat dan masih bisa dipahami serta dinikmati lah (bagiku) hehe

  6. @maduratri02
    hey, i agree of what you said, junsu rilis this song to his fans all of the world,, i’m not judge his english,, i find his accent cute though,, really like it,,

  7. she said you’re not ready, baby you’re not ready for the real thing. She told me that i’d be unfaithful and i cannot believe.
    oh my… I really really like this song! I play this song like thousand times XD
    please don’t judge his english skill..he has accent type which cannot be erased on how the way he speak in english. And i think his english is good enough while he is a korean singer not american singer.
    Good song, good voice, good lyric, good singer. We must praise him about his precious hard work so far. Junsu oppa jjang!

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