Dong Bang Shin Ki Micky Yoochun bersama dengan cast Sungkyungkwan Scandal antara lain aktor Song Joong Ki, Yoon Ah In dan aktris Park Min Young hadir dalam konferensi sebagai F4 dari zaman dinasti Joseon,
mereka hadir di Gyeonggi, dan khusus nya Yoochun menceritakan banyak hal, Yoochun mengatakan hubungan nya sangat baik dengan anggota Dong Bang Shin Ki, ‘karena jadwal yang padat dan melelahkan, jadi saya sekarang ini jarang telpon2an dengan Changmin maupun Yunho, akan tetapi hubungan kita baik-baik saja.
Yoochun juga mengatakan dia rasa nya mati karena bener2 gugup dengan tantangan debut akting di Korea ini, akan tetapi akting adalah hal yang menyenangkan dan dia akan berusaha dengan sungguh-sungguh memberikan yang terbaik kepada penonton drama ini. dia juga mengatakan Hero Jaejoong dan SS501 Kim Hyun Joong juga memberikan dia nasihat tentang akting. drama Sungkyungkwan Scandal akan tayang perdana mulai 30 Agustus 2010 di KBS 2tv
source: newsen
Oppa pasti bs dlm akting ini
chukae … wach ternyata jaman dulu ada F4 juga yach ..hemm jadi kangen ma tao ming tse 🙁
Cwenya Lucu..^_^
iya,,imut2,. radA2 mirip dengan kim so eun ga sih??
trus tadi aq pikir si joongki oppa mlh cewe jg,, beda2 tipis,,
jd pnsrn dgn drama ini,.,
ditnggu dramanya,
lebih ditunggu lagi comebacknya DBSK
betul betul betul
agree agree agree
hohoo, semangat oppa ! pasti bisa ..
dramanya kynya seru ,jaman dulu tapi udah ada f4 gitu ,hehee
ouu.. ska deh,, ada yoochun oppa ma jong ki oppa…
gntng bgt seeeehhhh…
kapan mulai maen…
mudah2an dTayangin dTV Indonesia ych…. p^.^
Manisssssssssss bnget si………
Oppa smangat,Yoon Ah In oppa prlu cukur kmis am janggutnya tu
kliatn tua lo ntar d’sngkain senseinya bkn f4 <3
Muga sukses yah dramany uchun~
yuchun ah~~~~
untung mereka masih telpon2an gituu,,,
AKTF ^_^
senengnya ngeliat mreka msh telpon”an,,, ^_^ mdh”an dgn yoochun comeback akting di korea,,ada jln bwt yoochun comeback sbg DBSK member bwt nyanyi di panggung brg yg 4 yg laennya,,T_T aku dah kngen beraaat
hehe.. syukur deh mereka baek” aja…
hehhe.. kangen deh liat mereka…
btw, chunnie hwaiting yaaa~!
pasti bisa kok~! 😉
DBSK, Chunnie, hwaitingg~!!
SKKS Hwaiting!!!!!!!!
fighthing oppaa!!!
ada yang kurang nih.micky juga bilang di pers conferencenya “hubungan antar ke-5 member dongbangshinki layaknya air, hubungan baik kami tidak berubah dengan apa yang terjadi”
tapi itu cuma hubungan mereka sebagai sahabat, kalo hubungan dengan karir mereka sebagai 5 member dbsk kayanya udah berakhir, setau aku di korea/jepang mereka udah dibilang sebagai band yang pecah dan JYJ unit baru tohoshinki/THSK dari jepang bakal memulai debut mereka di korea bulan september dengan manajeman baru avex (jepang) dan Cjes (korea) bukan SME.
memang sedih sih denger berita kaya gini tapi sebgai fans mereka kita harus mulai menerima kenyataan pahit ini pelan2, dan mendukung mereka menjalani karir masing2.iya ngga??!!
tahu darimana beritanya? JYJ masih belum leaps dari SM, jadi ga mungkin bisa direkrut sama manajemen lain. Lagian, ga ada beritanya tuh di koreanindo kalo TVXQ bubar, cuman berhenti sementara doang kok, kalo ga salah SM sendiri pernah bilang, meski mereka dituntut JYJ, mereka ga bakalan bubarin TVXQ, karena TVXQ itu salah satu bintang besar yang sukses di KR.
silahkan check disini–24265.html
buat agen baru trio thsk (dari forum tetangga)
NEWS][100527] 3 Members Throw SM Aside And Join Hands With Kwon Sang Woo’s Former Manager With A ‘Criminal Record’
T/N: PLEASE READ THIS WITH A GRAIN OF SALT. And when I mean grain, I mean a huge chunk of it. I was given a request to translate this article and I usually don’t say no to requests unless it is for good reasons.
Remember: Don’t shoot the messenger.
It has been revealed that there is a person with an interesting relationship with TVXQ’s YoungWoong Jaejoong, Micky Yoochun and Xiah Junsu. On Xiah Junsu’s solo album, which was recently released in Japan, the label CjeS Entertainment was printed on the cover jacket. CjeS is a company that was set up last December in Gangnam-gu, Seoul. The CEO of this company is A, who is deeply rooted in the entertainment industry.
A is known for being actor Kwon Sang Woo’s former manager. He is also known for receiving a prison sentence for forcing Kwon Sang Woo to write a memorandum binding him to his exclusive contract by threatening to reveal the actors personal life to the public and boasting about the gang who had his back. He has many connections with broadcasting companies, celebrities and some of Korea’s leading conglomerates.
SM is also aware of A’s presence. One representative of SM stated, “We heard that A has something to do with the three members’ activities.”
Last July, the three submitted a exclusive contract suspension injunction against SM Entertainment saying that, “We wish to escape the shackles of this unfair contract.” The Courts sided with the three members. SM was ordered not to interfere with the three members’ individual activities. However, the Courts decided not to suspend the contract until the lawsuit was completely over. The three members and SM are currently involved in the lawsuit dealing with their exclusive contract.
The problem lies in whether or not the three members have signed a contract with A. If CjeS is merely helping the three with their activities, there is no problem. However, if a contract has been signed, the situation changes drastically. There may be a chance that the three may be swept up in a double-contract crisis that would not be in their favor. SM is currently focusing the lawsuit on the continued existence of the exclusive contract.
It is interesting that the three members, who criticized SM for the company’s unlawful contract, have joined hands with a man who has been persecuted for forcing a contract upon someone. Their stance may be weakened because of such actions.
Currently, TVXQ has halted all activities in both Korea and Japan. The group’s Japanese agency AVEX announced this pause in activities last month.
Many are saying that although TVXQ themselves or their representatives do not use the word ‘disbandment’, this indefinite pause in their activities can be perceived as a disbandment in reality. This is because AVEX announced its support for the three members’ unit group activities soon after. Currently, YoungWoong Jaejoong’s popularity is soaring in Japan. Xiah Junsu’s solo album is being appraised as one that is greatly marketable. It seems that AVEX is fully supportive of the three members’ unit group. There has been no news of the company supporting solo activities of U-Know Yunho or Choikang Changmin.
sukses bwt yoochun oppa….,