What’s Inside F(X) Bag . . . ?


Leader Victoria

Victoria: lots of beauty products ranging from kiehls lipbalm to korean products! even chinese beauty items! nice!!! she’s taking good care of her pretty skin! ^^ and of course, she carries her korean electronic dictionary/org/diary (amber also has one!). and she mentioned that she carries the ipod that she’s been using since her trainee days. + a gift from an unnie fan.


Amber: 화장은 안 해도 아베다 핸드크림은 꼭 챙겨요.
생각날 때마다 영어 가사를 끄적이는 랩 노트는 제 보물 1호람니다.

“no makeup so only Aveda handcream is tucked (placed) inside.
everyday ideas/thoughts are scribbled in english lyrics inside my rap note(book) – my #1 precious (item).”


Sul Li



0 thoughts on “What’s Inside F(X) Bag . . . ?

  1. wuaaaaaaawwwwwwww ^0^ semuanya keren2 (isi tas nya) hehehehehehe
    nyank empunya juga ^_^ especially victoria eonni ^0^

  2. vict onnie kereeeeen….!!!
    mau tasnya Luna.. lucu deh..
    di foto itu Vict onnie gayanya kayaknya magnae deh..
    kristal dewasa ya..
    sulli juga dewasa bgt tasnya..
    tapi tetep.. kuncir 2..

    love f(x) !

  3. Sumpe lu cute_yunjae, gw d hp jd gak jelas!

    Hoho ternyata ada ksamaan aku ma amber, ekekek sama2 cassiopeia

    eh btw ni bukan artikel jualan, smuanya pd koment mau ini mau itu..*d getok ma komenter sblumnya, jiahh lari…*

  4. iaia ada fotonya dbsk itu di tasnya amber.
    junsu ya yg item puti itu ?
    wala krystal bawa* chu~ trus 😀

    btw, tak pikir ini foto iklan jualan tas :p

  5. ipodnya sul li ama krystal sama kyk aku cuma beda warna doang,headsetnya luna lucu punya victoria juga keren

  6. ska bgd gya mereka…
    simple berisi..*apaan sih*

    gw ska gya’y vic,,mka’y cwek bgd tp sporty…

    tas’y luna lucu..

  7. Vic unnie ipod kita sama! :p
    mereka semua pada bawa schedule book ya, hehehe…
    gue suka gaya mereka, simple… ^^
    hwaiting f(x)!

  8. tas nha luna n amber kren . gile pgen bgt headset nha vic >.<
    btw di tas amber ad bku gmbr cwo kan . mrip junsu . hhe

  9. whuaaa
    barang.x oke punya,, khususnya Amber unnie… cool
    biasanya juga tas aku aku isi cuma buku dan kwand2.
    oh iya,,
    meski aku seumuran ma krystal ma sul li,
    tpi kok.. isinya beda yaaa.
    after all..

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