Kontrak SM – TVXQ versi lengkap yang baru


SM pun merilis kontrak ekslusif terbaru antara mereka dan TVXQ. selebihnya kontrak ini hampir sama untuk penyanyi SM lain, bahkan lebih buruk kondisi nya. dengan TVXQ 13 tahun dan BoA 15 tahun, dalam kontrak tersebut, TVXQ harus membayar sendiri semua biaya pengeluaran spt biaya perjalanan, makeup, makanan, kru dance, dan manajer mereka.
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SM sama sekali tidak punya kewajiban apapun untuk membantu biaya pengeluaran, yang SM lakukan hanya mememlihara ketenaran artis mereka.

walaupun pembagian pendapatan telah dipertinggi, mereka tetap tidak akan menerima uang apapun sampe penjualan album setidaknya 50 ribu buah.
– jika mereka menjual sebanyak 50 – 100 ribu, maka mereka akan mendapat 2% dari total penjualan.
– jika 100 – 200 ribu = 3% penjualan.
– dan jika terjual diatas 200 ribu maka mereka hanya mendapat 5 % dari total penjualan album.

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Jika mereka tampil dalam sebuah acara diTV yang tidak permanen, maka duit nya akan diambil semua oleh SM. jika kontrak ini selesai dengan alasan apapun, maka TVXQ harus membayar 3 kali lipat untuk uang investasi yang dikeluarkan oleh SM. cek under the cut, isi kontrak ekslusif baru yang dikeluarkan SM, yang diatas udah sebagai ringkasan.

Source: [ejung.blog.seoul.co.kr/118+DNBN]
Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
Do not remove/add on any credits

gw tidak pernah menambahkan kredit KI ke setiap postingan yg gw buat, begitupula postingan ini, author dari tohosomnia nya mengatakan jangan sekali2 tidak memberikan kredit yang benar, klo ngga dia bakal buat kalian menderita.

sementara itu, 3 anggota TVXQ belum membuat keputusan yang harus mereka buat pada 12 November 2009 tentang pernyataan U Know dan Changmin, yg diperkirakan palsu oleh Cassiopeia.

Exclusive Contract Content

Clause 1 (Purpose)
For the effective celebrity activities of ‘B’ (TVXQ), all legal actions dealing with all activities, appearances and such will be dealt by ‘A’ (SM Entertainment) or the manager chosen by ‘A’. ‘B’ cannot make any personal promises or contracts regarding his activities and must only focus on what they have been given.

Clause 2 (Contract Period)
1. The contract period will begin at oooo. oo. oo(The latest contract signing date) and will end 13 years after the debut date of ‘B’ in the industry (album release, appearance as a supporting role in a movie or drama – movie: 20 scenes or more, drama: 12 scenes minimum per episode).
2. In the case that ‘B’ is unable to perform normal activities due to a personal reason, the contract period will be extended by that amount of time.

Clause 3 (Assignment of Rights)
1. ‘A’ has full rights for the maintenance of all of the TV appearances and activities performed by ‘B’.
2. During the contract period, ‘B’ must diligently perform all activities decided upon by ‘A’, ‘B’ is not allowed to perform any activities without the consent of ‘A’ during the contract period, and if this clause is violated, the appropriate consequences will be taken stated in Clause 11, subclauses 1, 2 and 3.
3. All TV appearances and authority of ‘B’ are held by ‘A’.
4. ‘A’ has the rights to all albums and recorded songs (including unreleased songs) that were created during the contract period. All income division after the contract period has terminated has already been determined by the exclusive contract.
5. ‘B’ must give ‘A’ all rights such as the right to reproduce goods, copyrights, the right to release albums, distribution rights, airing rights, performance rights, karaoke, right to create second hand goods regarding any compositions, arrangements or lyrics done by ‘B’.
6. ‘A’ is allowed to use the songs recorded and produced during the contract period in any form. (‘A’ is allowed to reedit and reuse any song in the form of L.P, M.C, CD, CD-FMV, DC-FMV, CD-I, CD-V, CD-G, L.D, VIEDO, limited edition albums, best albums, commercials, movies, picture, VIEDO filming, MP3, any music files.)
7. In order for ‘B’ to give a third party other than ‘A’ lyrics, compositions or arrangements, ‘B’ must get the permission of ‘A’ in advance.
8. The manager of ‘B’ must be chosen by ‘A’, and he must diligently work to maintaining the schedule of ‘B’.
9. ‘A’ is allowed to use any lyrics, compositions or arrangements that ‘B’ made in any album ‘A’ is creating other than the album of ‘B’.
10. ‘A’ is allowed to transfer and use all or a partial amount of the contract’s content in other businesses. But if ‘B’ says in advance that he is completely against this, this no longer applies.

Clause 4 (Contract Mandate)
What is under the maintenance of ‘A’ is listed here and this is applicable for all domestic and overseas activities, ‘A’ is allowed to transfer and use the rights of this contract, and can give the maintenance to another company.
1. Contracts for TV appearances and schedules (including the internet)
2. Contracts for domestic and overseas performances and events
3. Contracts for movies and commercials
4. Control of illegal use of pictures of ‘B’ (copyrights etc)
5. Contracts for use of lyrics, compositions and arrangements
6. Maintenance of any legal problems
7. All domestic and overseas activities
‘A’ will hold all ownership and copyrights for any goods created by ‘A’ during the contract period.

Clause 5 (The Responsibility of ‘A’)
1. Maintain the popularity of ‘B’.
2. Quickly report the schedule of ‘B’.

Clause 6 (The Responsibility of ‘B’)
1. ‘B’ is not allowed to reveal to the public of the contents of the contract or the internal affairs of ‘A’.
2. ‘B’ is responsible for adhering to all scheduled TV appearances or performances set by ‘A’ or the manager.
3. If a setback occurs during an appearance or a performance for a personal reason, ‘B’ is to tell ‘A’ or the manager in advance and if there was no special reason for such a setback, ‘B’ must take responsibility.
4. The manager of ‘B’ must be chosen by ‘A’, and he must diligently work to maintain the schedule of ‘B’.
5. Between the time of the contract’s termination and six months before said termination, ‘B’ must release one new album (recorded) that ‘A’ asks for, and perform activities for P.R. for said album (six months).
6. ‘B’ must, when ‘A’ wants, produce two full albums every year, and perform all recordings and activities accordingly, and work diligently in all areas. (‘A’ chooses the amount of time allotted for the creation of the album, and ‘B’ must follow accordingly.)

Clause 7 (The rights of ‘B’)
If ‘A’ asks for any demand that is not the duty of ‘B’, ‘B’ is allowed to refuse.

Clause 8 (P.R. and Production Fees)
1. P.R. will be done by both sides working together.
2. During the P.R. period, if ‘A’ feels there is a need to stop the P.R., ‘A’ is allowed to do so and if ‘B’ would like to stop activities, ‘A’ will make the final decision.
3. For the production of albums that is done by ‘A’ and ‘B’, all responsibility including production fees is incurred by ‘A’ and ‘A’ is entitled to all profits or losses.

Clause 9 (Profit Division-Album)
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Clause 10 (Profit Division-TV Appearances, Events, Commercials, Rights)
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Clause 11 (Compensation in the case of a violation)
1. In the case that ‘B’ violates any of the clauses in this contract, ‘B’ must compensate for the losses incurred, and any actions or situations that may affect the activities of ‘B’ will be held accountable by ‘B’. If ‘A’ feels that it will be hard for ‘B’ to continue on with his celebrity activities, ‘A’ has the right to stop the activities of ‘B’, and ‘B’ must compensate ‘A’ for the losses. (Compensation does not mean termination of the contract.)
2. ‘B’ must pay compensation that is worth three times the amount of investment (any money used for the purpose of ‘B’) and twice the predicted profit that would be gained in the years had the contract not been terminated.
3. Even if a termination of the contract is agreed upon by both ‘A’ and ‘B’, ‘B’ must still adhere to subclause 2.

Clause 12 (Disputes and other responsibilities)
If any misunderstandings occur due to a communication error in the contract, the problem is to be solved in a mutual agreement by ‘A’ and ‘B’ based on trust.


0 thoughts on “Kontrak SM – TVXQ versi lengkap yang baru

  1. Ampun!pantes soo man makmur bgt!pantes jg sm byk ditinggal artis2nya!sistem kontrak yg bener2 parah! Hak artis mstiny lebih tinggi! Tapi kebenarannya mrekalah yg tau!

  2. Kontrak apaan tu?
    SM dpt enakny doank donk!
    Dasar SME!

    Yg pnting tvxq g bubar..
    Tp, aq pngen mreka smua dpt yg trbaik..

    SME, gw brtrimakasi xan dah bwt tvxq..

    Tp, gw bngung.. Kontrak artis dmana2 emang kyk gt y? Kq tdk menyenangkan..

    Tvxq, jjang!

  3. gile…
    pelit amat!!

    padahal TVXQ dan BoA udah bagai mesin pencetak uang buat SM…
    tega banget sih??
    SM dapet enaknya,, artis dapet gak enaknya..

  4. mending kayak JYP. kerjaan dia jelas sebagai entertainer & direktur. lah kalo Lee Soo Man?
    gue percaya kalo ini ditandatangani DBSK bakal cepet miskin 🙁

  5. salut sama sm….
    bisa2nya bikin kontrak kek gitu ckckck
    suruh bayar sen=muanya sendiri?
    dan pembayaran cuma 2%-5% dari total penjualan album dkk?
    sumpah salut…
    itu kontrak buat orang ato mesin ya?

  6. SM tega bgt sh..g pnya perasaan..cb klo SM yg jd artisnya mau g ngejalanin kontrak itu..
    SM NYEBELIN..>,<
    DBSK I LOVE YOU..^_~

  7. Wuuih gile bgt tu SM,..
    Msk artis’y sruh kluarn biaya ndiri,g’msk akal dong tu kan tggng jwb mnjemen,klo bgian mrk gde sh g’pa2,tp kan mrk cm dpt 2-5%.apa’n tu,g’adl donk klo ky’gt crny,tu yg jd kya cman SM doank,artis2’y bs cpt miskin klo kye gt crny…
    Sumpah pyah bgt… Ksian mrka donk… Mang mrk Robot ap…
    Suju kotrk’y jg kye gn za?? Ksian za mrk..

  8. shock baca kontrak ni!!!
    ni tuh kt SM kontrak yg udh dprbarui, brarti mnurut SM kontrak ini jauh lbih baik bwt artis2 mreka, brarti kontrak sblmny tuh brpuluh2 kali lbih parah dr ni! yg diperbarui aj parah abis, palagi yg sblmny
    huh, g nyangka, trnyta artis SM hdupny kasian bgt y,, moga mreka baik2 aj deh

  9. bner2 deh SM !!!

    kl katanya roma irama itu:


    uda tvxq .. ngapain sii masi kerja sama ma SM ??
    kluar ajjjaaaa….

  10. pantess c’xiah ga ngajak kawin” orang duid nya d ambil SM

    hiks hiks oppa aku mendukungmu


    cpett mndapat hak mu agar qta cpet nikah hahahaha

  11. astaga,, kenapa mereka ga belajar dr kasus shinhwa, ses atau yg lain sihhh ?????????????????

    berarti enakan jadi artis di indonesia, 70 % buat artis, 30 % buat managemen,, udah deh beres,,,,,,,,,,


    gw pikir dengan popularitas dbsk sekarang, mereka udah berenang di kolam uang,, ternyata,,… sm mengecewakan..

  12. Wahhh. . .
    Parah nie!!!
    Mending buka pabrik kosmetik sndri aja donk!!
    Penghasilan lebih jelas…
    Nd bisa libur suka2. . .


    Kemana kalian???

  13. APAAN TUH?!

    ntu mah nmaxa kerja rodi!
    mna biaya mcem2xa dr artisxa ndri,trus SMxa nunggu trima duitxa aja donk!
    SM PABO!
    ksian artis2xa!
    moga suju, shinee dkk gak nglamin hal serupa!


  14. apaan tuh kontrak? masa bayar sendiri2? walopun mereka ga pake management, emang dasar mereka udah ditakdirin terkenal ya udah z… tapi gw berharap sih DBSK jangan sampe kluar ah dr SM. Benerin lagi lah tu kontrak…

  15. BUSET!
    ne org mo mantep daaaahhh…
    gmn ga stres coba artis2nya…
    ko d korea gada artis yg bdiri ndiri tanpa agency c??
    sekalipun bdiri ndiri asti bikin perusahaan juga..

  16. mdgan TVXQ kluar dr SME, truz masuk JYP ato DSP aja.
    ntar diekploitasi tanpa ampun kl msh d SM.
    to all of cassie, dkg TVXQ kluar dr SM..
    ksian kl mrka msti krja btaon2 lg d prusahaan si Om SooMan yg g tw dri n kjam srta lalim itu!
    SM, mati aje loe!
    TVXQ, keep fighting!!

  17. grrr… sm sarap! Kalo kaya gitu mah sama aja boong! Lebih parah malah dari kontrak yang sebelumnya. Langsung miskin tu dbsk kalo sampe tanda tangan tu kontrak
    Jangan2 sm sama ceo nya *lupa siapa namanya* tiap hari mandi duit kaya paman gober >:(

  18. Hhmmm…
    Bc kontrak d atas jd inget shinee…
    Smoga artis2 sm kuat bwt ngejalanin kontrak yg udh mrka bwt sblumny…

  19. aiiiihhh~~~ kliatan na dpt na dikid kali y cma 2-5% (ato cma kliatan na duank??)

    yha… brarti BoA, Suju, snsd, shinee, f(x) dkk kya ghitu jg?!… ck ck ck… fighting!!!

    sm… kau tlah membuad nma mu jeleq dgn ap yg kau lakukan ini… bertobad lha…(T.T)

  20. SME pelit !!!
    rakus !!!!
    menyebalkan !!!
    kontrak yg baru maupu lma gk ada bedany !!!
    TVXQ yg sabar y….
    SME t memang cobaan+bencana !!

  21. kurang ajjar y SME
    prlu di ajari lag y
    soal HAK ma KEWAJIBAN

    oppa2 gw n yg laen lo pikir robot ap?
    pake prasaan napa..

    hate u SME

  22. Duwh , dbsk kacian kalee kaliand !0!

    Mendng kalian pindah ajja ke indo .
    Di jamin kalian gag kan semendrita kayak skarang .
    Truss kalo kalian btuh manajer bru , dgan snang saya akan membri no saya di
    08782xxxxx .
    Di tnggu ya oppa 2.
    Atw , lgsung blang ajja ma c cyang changmin .

    DBSk fighting !0!

  23. first,, males baca cz pake bahasa inggris…
    second,, apa”an SM???
    d perbaiki ato ga’ SAMA AJA!!!
    malahan TVXQ suruh bayar sendiri…

  24. apaan sih.. ini mah sama ajaa gak ada perubahan ! peliiiiiiit !!!!!!! 😛 .. masa bayar sndiri ??? ckckck.. jdi gmna sehhh ni kasusss

  25. Ampun !
    Qlw kyk gini sih , gak ada gunax bkin kontrak yg baru ..bknx mkin mmbaik, malah makin mmburuk !

    Padahal SM tu hebat , tapi kok BODOH sangadh ya ? CEO SM Nyadar donk , jgn kras kepala . Mrk tuh jga manusia tw ! Pke perasaan dikit dong ! Jangan cman pengen senengx adjah !
    CEO SM pelitttt $_$ mata duitan ! Aaaaaaaarrrrrgggghhhhh !
    Ukh, a %/:¤#¿!€

    oppa dbsk ,HWAITING ! Maju teruz ,pantang mundur ! Kalian pasti bisa .
    Always keep the faith . Saranghae …

  26. jaaaaaah SM sialan!!!!!
    masa artisnya disuruh rodiusha gitu! *rodi+romusha*
    mendingan dbsk keluar aja kali ya dr SM, ksian klo mereka nandatanganin kontrak kaya gini ntar menderita T,T

  27. Yo!
    Sooman ajusshi, youngmin ajusshi…

    Bisa ya ada orang tega setengah idup kayak kalian….

    dah tuwir ga usah banyak bikin dosa…

  28. kontrak artis kq kyk gitu y??

    pantesan xiah bilang, klo dia dilahirin lg dia ga mau jd artis…
    mauny jd pemaen bola… wkwkwkwk
    ya jelas lah pemaen bola lebih makmur…
    gaji selangit, plus iklan2 yg dibintangi-ny…
    makmur 7 turunan tu… kyk CR9 yg gajiny mahal buanget! pas cedera, gajiny tetep! n pengobatan gratis, pertandingan keliling dunia dibayarin, liburan sebulan setahun…
    apa cb yg kurang dr pemaen bola??? tenar jg iiaa… bahkan menyaingi artis hollywood kyk beckham..
    pantesan xiah ga mau jd artis lg di kehidupan yg akan datang…

    duuuhhhh, SME…
    loe yg bego ato gw yg bego???
    kontrak kq keliatan banget nyari untung!!!
    loe yg terlalu pelit ato gw yg terlalu baek ngasi duit k orang??? huh???

    SME bakal merugi klo mecah dbsk ato biarin dbsk meninggalkan SME!!! just think about what i said! U’ll regret it “my dear SME”!!!


  29. wew…emang klo ngebayarin biaya bwt dbsk bsa bikin SM jatuh miskin gtu??
    nyebelin psan ikh SM th….SM PELIT!!!!!!!

    DBSK hwaiting…!!!^^

  30. hue…amit-amit…sama aja kya gtu mah…ape bedanya…ttp gak adil menurut w c…>.<…
    gmna yang suju,,membernya banyak gtu..gak kebayang dah…0_0..

  31. soo man rda sarap ni…
    tp ak gpp d, klo dy mw angkat ak jd slh 1 nak buah nya ak mw” aj d.
    biar bs 1 manajemen ma SuJu. wkk

    om soo man, jgn pelid”. org mati gx bw duit koq..

  32. gw g bgitu mngerti soal kontrak artis. tp siapapun bsa pikir kok kontrak ny kayak gtu sich?? gmana masa dpn mreka?? udh dbyr kecil, dbagi 5 n hrus membyr pngeluaran sndr lg.. g mau klw dbsk bubar.. ga akn suka kpop lg., sm jgn pelit2 dong/ klw dbsk g da yg rugi sm sndri..

  33. ngaco si sooman, sinting abis. dia makmur, artisnya kagak makmur. gila aja! masa isi kontraknya kayak gitu. ini sih namanya pemerasan. ayo cassiopeia, bunuh sooman. tenaga artis diporotin tapi hasil kerja keras mereka diperes sama si sooman ARAWR

  34. Waduh….!!!
    Kapan para artis SME bisa kaya…??
    Peraturannya bener2 keterlaluand ngeds…!!!
    Ini yang di biLang Entertainment hebat??
    Quh mah lebih miLih JYPE, YGE, Cube E, and pastinya Jtune E….LOL~

  35. yah .. sekarang gue ngerti kenapa banyak yang bilang kalo apa yang dibikin SME itu bukan kontrak biasa, tapi slave contract alias kontrak perbudakan .
    13 tahun ? 15 tahun ? ajegilee

    fungsinya manajemen menurut SME itu sebenernya apa sih ?
    sebatas ME-MANTAIN kepopuleran si artis doang seperti yang dilakuin SME ?
    sounds funny for me +_+

    kalo liat isinya, kayanya kerja DBSK dihargain murah banget tuh .. 2% ?
    c’mon ! nggak sebanding banget dengan apa yang uda mereka lakuin !
    padahal menurut gue secara nggak langsung orang” SME juga bisa idup ampe detik ini dari jerih payah DB, dari keringet DB .. kasi reward yang pantes dikit lah

  36. UUUUUHHHHHHHH………………………….!!!!!

    makin SEBEL & BENCI ja w ma SM GEBLEK…..!!!!

    apa2an tuh???

    masa smua’a ruz TVXQ yg byar…!!!!

    dah gt, TVXQ ruz gnti KERUGIAN 3x LIPAT….!!!!

    GILA…. GILA……. SM bner2 dah KELEWATAN…..!!!

  37. anjritt bnget tu SME !!!

    kalo kontrak kayak gini mah,sama ajj makan duit haram tu SM ..

    Gw yakin ,DBSK masih bisa berdiri walau bukan di bawah naungan SME !

  38. SMEnt kterlluan…………….ga pux hati nurani yaaaa………

    but, bwt TVXQ,SUJU,SHINEE,F(X) Hwaitinggggggg…………….

  39. kan katanya SM mrubah kontrak agar tidak terjadi tuntutan dr anak2nya ?
    BUT…klo bgini caranya…
    yang ada malah kgk tahan dgn siksaan kerja…


    gila kali tuh….

    Soo man dimanakah hati nurani anda?

    palagi laki2 w di SJ yang 13 orang….

    perlu w culik 13-13 nya hah..!!!

    biz w gag tega banget liat mereka mpe kluar msk RS..

    tp tnyata dibayar seiprit…

    udah cukup TVXQ diginiin….

    SM….Kya ARGGGHHHHH *spechless saking keselnya*

  40. Hah?!
    It utk smw arts SME?!
    Dsr SME !!!
    Gx pny rsa kemanusiaan !!!
    Mndg tuh arts2 SM krj sma Indonesia aza…
    Drpd sma SME,
    d srh krj rodi !!!
    Kasian DBSK…
    DBSK, SuJu
    fighting !!!

  41. apapun yg tjd ma sm n dbsk, , ,

    hanya atu yg q harap, , ,
    mrk te2p ‘BERSAMA-SAMA’…

    n bwt sm ku mohon bersikaplah yang bijak, ,
    g usah bikin mesin pencetak uang lg, ,

    uda cukup penderitaanx ank dbsk….

  42. PARAH BGT SME MATA DUITAAAAAAAN sini deh entar gue punya perusahaan sendiri trs artis2 sm pindah ke gue aja, gak bakal pelit kok kayak sme hahaha

  43. hallo TUAN KIM YOUNG MIN, beginikah cara anda mengatur strategi perusahaan?? beginikah cara anda memperlakukan artis2 anda???

    1 kata : ANEH

  44. Heh SM, uang tuh g akan dibawa mati tau? Kamu tuh udah tua….Mau dikemanain tuh duit,ha? Pharaoh mana juga masuk neraka , bung!

  45. kl bgtu carany, bkannya tambah byk duit tp tmbh kere donk dbsk. udh duit keluar bnyak, tp hasil dr krja kras mrka di ambil ama SM. 2 ampe 5% itu sbrpa byk sih? sdgkn biaya smw yg nanggung mrka smw. kelewatan mah kalo gtu carany. jgn2 duit yg mrka peroleh ntar bakaln cm bwt byr keperluan mrka (biaya perjalanan, makeup, makanan, kru dance, dan manajer mereka) doank.

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