The Day when Angel decent from Heaven, and lead another 12 Angel to cheer the world and cover it with Pearls Sapphire Blue.
Credit pict :
Kmaren saat gw pesbuk-an dengan anak-anak KI lainya, they asked me untuk membuat postingan tentang Ultahnya Park Jungsoo atau orang mengenalnya dengan nama Leeteuk Super Junior. Karena dibulan Juli ada dua member yang ultah makanya fotonya Heechul juga dipajang, blom lagi SuperShow II yang akan di adain di tanggal 17-19 Juli besok. Dan inilah postingan nya….
Firstly, I will say Sangeil chukanda to Jungsoo Oppa, really wish you Happy Birthday, I hope this will express my heart wishes and feeling for you (meskipun udah 25 kali dia ulang tahun but yg namanya ultah tetep aja istimewa).
Gw ngga akan mulai essay betapa gw adored and really LOVE this person (smua orang di FB tau ini kok). Mungkin sebagian dari para pembaca nganggep ini cuman part of my fangirlsm, but dengan tulus I wishes you good healthy, and succsess. Not only as part of Super Junior’s (Leader) but also Leeteuk who loves DJ-ng and MC, dan ngga ketinggalan juga untuk Park Jungsoo….. don’t put your worriness to much or keep it only for yourself, lean on someone, sometime……, doesn’t make you weak. (You)The one in the world who did and doing and will always do GREAT JOB looking after 12 member group, and everybody agree you are the best leader !!.
Meskipun terkadang dia suka lebay di cyworldnya (whinning about dimple, hair even his wrinkle), but u know what? ELF selalu ada disana menjaga ngga cuman Leader satu ini tapi smua Super Junior.
Gw sempet membalik2 page KI dari bulan Juli tahun lalu, dan rupanya ini blom pernah diposting (cuman audionya aja). Lagu yang diciptain Eunhyuk untuk Hyungnya yang disiarin di Sukira tanggal 2 Juli 2008 lalu. Alhasil Leader Teuk nangis terharu bahkan menutup mukanya dengan kertas saking bahagianya….(isn’t that soo sweet?)
Credit :tokawaii
*umur koreanya sekarang adalah 27 tahun*
And once again :
+ Translations of the lyrics ~
1983.07.01, 25 birthdays
I can finally welcome today after waiting for so long
I’m actually a little shy
I’m not good at expressing myself
But I’m gonna try calling Hyung’s name
To say a word, I wish you Happy Birthday
It is an easy thing to say,
but it’s just like blocking my mouth,
and it’s hard to say it out
In this lyrics, I express my heartfelt wishes and feelings
Come, blow your candles~
You charm that you can’t hide
You made me fall wholly into it
Every night from 10-12
We will meet you, Eeteuk
The person whom we want to be with forever
Is you, our Prince Eeteuk
I want to thank you
For coming into this world
It’s touching that you came down to this world
It’s an unexpected gift
Hyung’s our dignified leader
Behind Hyung who’s walking in front
are us, your 12 members
Don’t always be the only one
Super Junior will always share the sadness and happiness
Back to **
Angel (Special Day)
Teukie Teukie.. Eeteukie
Everlasting Friends are your wings
Kiss the Radio (Forever)
Happy Birthday To You
Translated by IloveJr@wp
Credits; KT Private Condo
Saengil chuka hamnida oppa~
Saengil Chukaheyooooo….Lee Teuk Oppa
saengil cukahamnida park jung soo, best leader in Korea even though, i love yunho, but i love u too
jiah…cepe pake eventhough segala….
btw yunho-ssi tuh ultah kapan??
Met Ultah Leeteuk oppa….semoga SJ tambah suxs…
@Eighty8love: ultah uno 6 feb…
캬ㅑㅑㅑㅑ… 생일축해요 우리 사랑한은 레더 이특.. 우리 천사..
jd ingat taon lalu wkt dy prtm kali dngr tuh lagu…
ㅠㅠ trharu bgt..
met ultah angel leeteuk ^^
Saengil Chuka Hamnida LeeTeuk-Shi.. God Bless You Always!
Saengil chuka hamnida…..
Saengil chuka hamnida…..
Saengil chuka hamnida,, Teukie Oppa….
Wish All The BEST 4 U, Oppa….
smoga karir’a brsama SUJU mkin lancar, sukses, terkenal seantero Dunia **
pkok’a semua-semua’a deh……..
JANGAN lupa Traktrannya ya Oppa…*nasi Padang aja deh..hoho*
oppa,saengil chuka hamnida!!!!
happy birthday eeteuk.
kamu beda 10 tahun pas sama gw. hhe
Saengil chukka hamnida……….
Saengil chukka hamnida……….
Saengil chukka teukie oppa……..
Saengil chukka hamnida……….
wish U all the best oppa……..
moga drimu mkin cinta ma elf yaw…….
kadoNy nyusul and jgn lp traktiranNy…….
Saengil Chukha hamnida oppa …
Saengil Chukhae yo … Jungsoo oppa ..
Saengil Chukhae the best Leader …
nunggu 9 hari lg buat kasih slamet juga ke ichul … heheh
saengil cukhae Leeteuk oppa…
wish you a very bless birthday, you’re the best leader 🙂
videox kx perna gw lhat deh,,,,
ad di a walk to remember kan, cuma dkit ko partx……
saengil chukae oppa…
eh iya Eeteuk oppa ultah. Pantesan di cyworld-nya mas donghae ud ad ucapannya dari kemaren…
today is my birthday tooo,,,,
Exactly,,, it’s my 17th birthday….
I’m so happy that I can share it with you,,,
An angel without wings^^v
saengil chuka Teukie oppa~
Wish all the best for you!!!!!
……happy birthday for u teukie oppa…..
…..hope u always happy,health,and succes….
…..e.l.f always support u…..
……take care….
…….super junior hwaiting…….
Leteuk. Teukie Teukie. Angel Teuk~~
Saengil Chukaehanda Oppa !!
You’re the BEST leader ever in diz world !!
Bring Super Junior to be more strong than before. WE LOVE U TEKIE <3
Keep ur health and success olweyz. I wish u a Happy Birthday !
saengil chuka hamnida….
saengil chuka hamnida…
selamat ulang tahun leader…
you’re the best leader ever…
keep fighting and take care of your dongsaengs..
and ELF will take care of you…
hufh~ plang ujian SNMPTN langsung ke KI..
n mw ngucapin…
moga makin the best yah..
luv u.. XDD
saengil chukae oppa..
mkasih udah mnjaga super junior member slama ini…
especially my kyuhyun oppa..
mksih dah ngsih prhatian..
bntar lgi oppa bkalan wamil…
kta kan mnunggumu oppa..
the best leader in the world PARK JUNGSOO!!!!
saengil chuka hamnida..
happy birthday..
mmm apa ya.. bhsa jepang a’..
pokok a’ blakang a gozaimazu..
hhehehe lupa…
wish u luck for whole your life.
ya..saengil chukhae…angelteukie…tukie…
wish all d best 4 u…
saengil chukae oppa!!!
oppa jgn t’lalu cape..bnyk makan n istirahat..(???)
smoga th ini oppa sehat selalu…
sukses ma super show II nya..
jgn cpt2 wamil…
saranghae!u’re my angel..
saeng iL chukhae angeL teuki,,
Brharap mg qmuw shat slaluw..
eeteuk eeteuk teukie….
Park jungsoo saengil chukae….
happy bday teukie oppa….
gw agak heran… yossy blg mau ngepost tentang bday teukie,tp ternyt di sini..ehm….jd punya yossy ngilang kemana?
di culik yah???
Hepi beLtzdey Leeteuk oppa…
smoga sehat slalu…
inget, oppa udh tmbah *dewasa* (baca = tuwa)
hihihihihi……. (^_^)
Saengilchukha hamnida…
Saengilchukha hamnida…
Saranghaeyo teukie oppa..
Saengilchukha hamnida…
Uri leader~ssi…
Wish you all the best..
jaga kesehatan dan slalu tsenyum yach…
Hangsang haengbokhae..
Always smile,jeong soo oppa…
your smile always makes me happy…
jagi, saengil chukhahae…
kkeutkaji neol saranghandago…
oppa, bogosipeo..n_n
chibe wasseo juseyo..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
saengil chukhahamnida………….lee teuk
sayang bgt y gw gaptek, gw gx punya fb
so gw gx bisa gabung…………
my little sweet angel teuki..
saengil cukha hamnida…
keep ur health, keep ur smile n keep ur dongsaeng..
dont ever give up.. we an alf alwayz support u..
u the bezt leader in the world.. forever…
Saengil Chukkae Hamnida…
Happy birthday!!!!!!!
Selamat Ulang Tahun Teukie oppa..
semoga kau panjang umur, sehat, gak jadi emo lagi, giving your best smile to ELF n take care your dongsaeng..
Saranghae… OPPA!!!!!!!!!!!
my lovely husband the angel
TEUKIE N Park Jungso…..
Saengil Chukkae…
Leader without wings… Teuki Teuki….
oppa take care yaaa…
sekarang kau sudah tua..
badanmu gampang sakit pula
생일 축하합니다, 이특 오빠!
미래에는 잘 살고 많이 먹고 언제나 웃고 또 행복하세요.. 그리고 울지 마세요..
selamat ulang tahuun leeteuk oppa !!! hohohoho
saengil chukaheyoo !!!!!!!!!!!
hahahahahahahaaaaaaa, angel teukii teuki leeteuk jgn jd emoteuk lg yaaaaa !!!! hahahaaaa
Saengil Chukkahamnida teuki oppa…
wish the best for u..
jangan terlalu diporsir kerjaan nyah…
ntar klo skit gmana,,,huhu
smaga sehat slalu and sukses trus di mana pun kaw brada..
sarang hae teuki oppa…
saengil chukhae, eeteuk-sshi… ^.^
mudah”an aja sehat selalu~
terus, jangan sedih lagi ya…
para ELF ada di belakang, sebelah, samping, depan,…*nyebutin arah satu-satu*….
saengil chukhae..
kuenya mana?? XD *jadi sayah yang nagih kueh*
saengil cukhahamnida uri leader !!
Happy Bday, Teukie!
Saengil Chukhae!
Happy birthday, teukie..
happy birthday,, teukie…
happy birthday,, happy birthday,,,
happy birthday Teukie……
Wish u all d best… ;p
saengil chukkae , oppa.. ^^
teukie oppa..
saengil chukkahamnida oppa..
yoou’re the angel in super junior..
the best leade..
i love you.. ELF always love you.. ^^
Happy Birthday Angel Teuk Teuki Teuki Eeteuk! The best leader ever!
Smoga panjang umur, sehat slalu, tambah sukses brsama super junior! I will always support you! Teuki oppa, saranghaeyo! yeongwonhi.
Angel leeteuk oppaa,,
park Jungsuuu,,
mianheee sangatttt~~ aq telat mengucapkan ini padamue d sniii~~
Wish U Oll d’ bestt XDXD
Always Fighting!!
jadi lah d’best leader slalu~~
oppa bkal slalu d kenang d hati kita para ELF XDD
so sweet…
Aigoo… Telat!!
Saengil Chukae Oppa…
Moga tambah disayang ma dongsaeng”myu,
Saengil chukhae,,,oppa teuk teuk…
jgn sakit2an truz oppa,,, byk tidur jg gpp,,
ga perlu punya badan yg bagus ky Siwon,, dirimu seperti saat ini ja dah baik…
U r my best leader that i love…
Happy birthday….
Keep on fighting Jungsoooooooo oppa…
hapie bedai tukie oppa….
maaf telat…. hihihihi ^^..
panjang umur sehat selalu… wish all the best… 😀
happy bdae oppa..
Happy Birthday Leeteuk oppaqyu tersayang
cHainggil chuKae ,,, Miand oppa hbis ,, Tika gak bsa ngsih slamt ma oppa tpat wkTu ,,,
happy b’day lee…
wah seumuran dunk ya….
tua aku 6 bulan…..
kokokokokok, telat komen .
hohoh, leeteuk oppa . saengil chukhae ya . hahahahahahahh
leeteuk oppa, hwaiting ~
saengil chukahamnida teukie oppa!!!!!!
kok surat fans akk g diconfirm ????
saengil chukaeyo uri eteuk akuuuu !!!!
mian yah aku telat bangt
aku nyanyiin ajh yh ,,
saengil chuka hamnida,saengil chuka hamnida,
saranghaneun eteuk oppa,,
saengil chuka hamnida …. !!!!
sarangeo always oppppaaaaa !!!!!
Happy birthday to u, oppa……..
God Bless U…….